Byron Borwn is a very inconsiderate driver

^^ No i really meant a democrat. There are republicans that can do great things for this city. Byron brown was backed by the unions and was already corrupt when he got he was voted in.

Does his Crown Vic have spinnaz?

The last Friday of classes, usually the first one in may. This year it was May 5


OMG dude that was a hilarious read, :tup: mike

he had my friend arrested on quad party…grrrrr

but quad party is by far the greatest thing canisius has ever done for us…

Really? I didnt think they arrested anyone, only issued tickets. I could have been arrested myself. The beginning of my day went something like:

8:30 AM: wake up
8:50 AM: Finish 1st 40 while showering and getting dressed
9:00 AM: Join party/ beer pong
~11:30 AM: Highly intoxicated, meet girl also highly intoxicated
~11:45 AM: Make out with said girl
~11:55 AM: Girl leads me into a house near there, says its a guy she knows’ place and it will be cool, proceed into bathroom
~12:45PM Make deposit in tub of random house
~12:50PM Exit bathroom, see 2 girls sitting on couch, they start screaming and wondering why we are in their house
~12:51PM: Realize this is not girl’s friend’s apartment when they start screaming that they’re calling the police
~12:51:30PM: Run
~12:53PM: Arrive at party at my friend’s place down the street, continue boozing until 5:30ish.

^hahaha good story