We had a woman come into our work wanting to buy a laptop. An IBM ThinkPad with a fingerprint reader caught her eye. She was sayung she wanted it with the fingerprint reader because her son was hacking into her computer and she heard him say that was the only thing he was afraid of.
She proceeeded to tell us some of the things her son, who was 17, lived under her and her husbands roof has done. He hacked into her computer multiple times, installed a keystoke reg and when she wasn’t around logged into her computer and deleted her hard drive, logged into her bank account and bought things on her charge card. She one time locked her laptop in a safe and he crowbarred it open to get at the laptop. He also stole money from her, her husband, and his grandmmother!
She also said that he was taken in for questioning regarding his computer activites and was learning a lot of the tricks of the trade from his uncle.
Oh yea, he has 2 computers of his own that she bought for him, and was getting his tuition to college paid for by his parents.
Now if this was my kid, I’d be a prick back to him. I’d take out both his hard drives form his computer to teach him a lesson. I’d make him pay for college. I’d make him fend for himself if he got into jail for any type of computer related arrest. Hell, I’d make him get his own apartment and fend for himself. Tough love. His parents were so spineless. I almost told this customer she doesn’t need a fingerprint reader, but she needs a pair of steel toe boots to put up the kids ass and a pair of balls so they would discipline him. The kid sounds like a complete ass that gets away with murder. And the blame could be put 50% on his parents and 50% on him.
I see parents and students come in at back to school. Kids get away with murder. It’s crazy. I have NYC parents dropping $4000 on computer shit for their kids and their kid is a rude prick that doesn’t give a shit, telling his parents to shut the F up to their face.
Kids aren’t growing up knowing responsibility. It’s really pathetic. They still get rewarded for not trying. They are too lazy to take responsibility and expect their parents to do things for them. Everyone is so sensative and don’t want to hurt their feelings or let them have lower expectations. Plus they gain no self confidence if it’s ok to not try your best or be rewarded for being last place.
I guess it’s good my wife and I aren’t having kids. We’d probably get in trouble for correctly disciplining them in today’s messed up world. But for one thing, they would learn to treat people with respect more than what todays kids are showing.
/end of rant, which lately for some reason, I have a lot of.