C. Palahniuk's "Guts": A short story

I’m a big fan of older Chuck Palahniuk works ( he is the author of Fight Club btw ) and I was eagerly awaiting this short story when it was published in 2004. I forgot about it until I read Nikuk’s shit-on-dick thread.

As a little backstory, Chuck was doing a book promo tour for a new novel back in 2004, and was booked to do a reading at various colleges and bookstores across the country. He was supposed to read a passage from the book Diary, but instead read this. As the story progressed, people legitimately were fainting and vomiting in the audience. Of course we are more desensitized to the topics in this story than the rest of the public, but imagine your grandparents or parents hearing this read aloud. There are you tube videos of him reading it also, if interested.

Anyways, read this for entertainment, as a time sink at work, or if you just enjoy Palahniuk as an author.

awesome story… i read it a few years back



Story highlighting the mishaps associated with nontraditional beating off methods

It’s pretty graphic, but i’ve always liked his writing style.

it was fun

His writing style has always been fantastic.

“Still, one minute you’re just a kid getting off, and the next minute you’ll never be a lawyer.”


Super graphic, paints an all to vivid image. Yet somewhat entertaining.

Yeah, but some of his books have just been “meh.” Choke was the best :tup:

“God forbid my folks see my dick.”


I just bought choke a few weeks back but didnt have time to start it…

omg that was fucking disturbing

ive read fight club and survivor but thats it

snuff was kinda weak

rather read rant again


Choke is the best IMO, get at it! It’s a pretty quick read.

that was pretty fucking intense

invisible monsters was good too

Bump for you night crew creeps


wait…wtf just happened.