cabin fever

LMAO :fart:

Quik is my hero, Sorry for post whoring…continue on

glad im somthing to someone :beer:

mannnnn…its hitting again…Cabin Fever sucks…this weather sucks…I don’t know why I live in PGH… baaaaaaaaa I’m sick of the cold…I am NEVER home in the summer, and I can’t stand sitting here being non productive all day…

so, DID you fuck the cat???


i used a rubber :wink:

its chilly down here. First time its dipped into the 30’s since X-mas.

I am going crazy :nuts: Cabin fever really is sitting in.

I hurt my back pretty bad playing volleyball. I am REALLY bored since I can’t do much of anything but relax at home. I have been watching tv and fooling around on the internet. :zzz: Too bad I don’t have a more interesting story on how I hurt myself. :idb:

Here I joined some activities to get rid of cabin fever! Ironic!

How much snow are/did you guys get in Western PA?

I have like an inch here so far

how much are you suppose to get?

How much you need?

I fucking hate winter. My bike is sitting in the garage at the dealership till the fucking weather brakes and I can pick it back up. Of coure while its stuck up there all my parts from japan came in finally. Go figure, I would have had somthing to do on my days off. :rolleyes:

dont u have a truck?

Bike is too long and heavy for me to put in the truck. Long it won’t fit securly lenth wise, and heavy I’m by myself and its pretty high up. I’m not in the mood to risk getting it up and dropping it just to have it back sitting in my garage.

Wednesday I’m off and its supposed to be a clear day so I will go pick it up.

you must have a 5’ bed cause with my 6.5 bed mine fits without an issue. with my s10 it fit also with gate down

I have a 5.5 (66in)bed The overall leanth of the bike is 70 some inches and the wheel base is just over 56 inches. I don’t want to jam the front fender into the front of the bed.

Aside from the lenth like I said its only me, the bed is high, and the bike is over 500lbs. No thanks. Not worth several thousand in damage and new parts i just put on in september trashed.

7 inches of snow here and probably going to get at least 12 inches today :frowning:

Cabin fever sucks. I was going to stud the tires on my dirt bike to try to remedy it a little bit, but being cold sucks. Even if you have traction.