Cable and Internet options

im not even gonna completly going to comment on any of that because it is just sooo wrong its not even funny…

please do some real research before you mislead people like this

That’s not new, that’s been out for a while

And think about this :

You send the request out, it has to travel to the satellite. Then from the satellite back to the ISP, through howevermany hops to the site, back to the ISP, back up to the satellite, back down to you.

I hope you NEVER, EVER try to play a game on it.

MHill gets a nasty nasty 1500ms + ping on WoW


That’s EVDO, and that’s not avail in Buffalo

and that’s like… 600kilobits max

not exactly super fast.

and signal strength matters too…

its faster than dial up. nice for people out my way that dont have ANY options other than that.

why are cable bills jumpin so high. ours jumped like so much. that my dad is forcing to ditch interenet and my digital box. i guessed it went from like 150 to like 350 or something. this is rediculous.

because adelphia sucks ass

Well, I just got off the phone with Adelphia and found that my year long promotion ended and that was the reason for the jump in price. I told them that’s a lot of money to be paying for average cable stations and poor HD service…so I got a 3 month extension on the promotion…this will give me some time to look at other options or to call back in 3 months and see if I can get an extension on the extension.

*call back and get an extension On the extension

if it comes down to it, just say you’re gonna switch to verizon and they’ll jump all over you. they don’t wanna lose customers before the sale.

one of my former teammates switched over to verizon, gets 5mb down all the time for cheaper than i’m paying now for half that during peak hours. if i were staying here longer than may, i’d switch over too - and i work for adelphia

Just checked…looks like they don’t offer dsl at my house…:frowning:

Well, here we go…

What does EVERY home stereo and TV place use to show off the best picture quality on their HD TVs aside from popping in a DVD? I can tell you one thing. Its not Adelphia HD. Why? Because Adelphia’s 1080i equates to Dish Network or Direct’s 480. 720 at best.

And what I said about the local HD channels is untrue??? Please explain how Adelphia HD can be better then either of the Dish companies? Its not even the Dish company’s signal. With an off air UHF antenna, you are getting as close to a raw and unmolested signal that you can get. It goes from the local station antenna to yours. Not from the local station, to Adelphia where it is sandwiched into miles of cable along with internet, basic, and other cable services.

So how is that wrong of me to write? I understand how you may believe I was wrong on the first thing. Lots of people think Adelphia is king around here. And for charging as much as they do and getting away with it, I guess they are.