CAI through winter?

Here’s my worry: Let’s say I get a bunch of moisture on my filter since there’ll be some shit coming up off the road and there’s moisture in the air anyhow. If it gets on the filter and freezes, it won’t thaw since it’s not up in the above-freezing engine bay.

In case it matters, my K&N filter is in between my bumper and wheel-well mud guard so it’s not really exposed to road spray. Also, the surface of the filter parallel to the ground is just a rubber cap, so the most exposed part of the filter isn’t actually the filter.

I would still get a cover of some sort, like the foam ones they use on atv’s and shit, salt/sand is gonna fuck that cone up.

winter air is usualy pretty dry, due to the fact that any water in the air freezes

short ram cai’s are usualy a better idea tho, just cause all it takes is one good splash from a deep slush puddle to coat the filter in water ready to freeze

Might just convert to short ram. Simple for me to do since I got both, then I don’t gotta worry.

Yeah, I would definitely say put on the short ram if you already have it. Although I’m leaving my CAI on my car this winter and hoping for the best.

if you dont have one, make one out of pvc hose or a dryer flex hose. no one is gonna see it in the winter anyways.

^^^LOL! MY “CAI” consists of several straight lengths of 3" PVC and a few elbows of different angles. My short ram is a 60* elbow and a couple fittings! Haha that’s why I already have em both. Cheap, and works OK. (Yes I actually can feel a slight increase in power with em, and a very nice increase in sound.)

Just popped the elbow back on instead of the CAI. Thanks for the advice guys. :tup:

i havent had a problem with mine

if ur really worried get an AEM By-pass valve…but u should be fine as long as ur not an 1" of the ground

I think K&N makes some kind of a filter wrap for thier filters. I’m not sure if its meant to keep water and moisture out, but you could send them an e-mail or something and ask them

That’s really meant to allow air in if you momentarily submerge your filter. What I am concerned about is water and crap feezing and building up on the filter. Probably nothing to worry about. I’m sure there are lots of people in the snow belt who have had no problems, but since I can, I brought the filter up inside the engine bay for winter. Still sucks rather cold air as it’s above the hole for the CAI and insulated from engine heat by the battery that it’s right next to, but it should be in an above-freezing environment.

I used to get one of those plastic-enclosed filters from pep boys, and then put an ebay ‘heat shield/ splash guard’ over that when my filter was 2" off the ground. Since then I’ve smartened up and just slapped on a short ram for the winter. Keeping it in the engine bay makes me feel much better about driving the car in winter

I dont think the oil from the filter will allow it to freeze as much as you’d think. I’d be more worried about salt getting stuck in the pletes

:word: even though I oiled mine when it was near the ground, the salt and corrosion build up between the metal pleats was amazing. The rust/salt buildup clogged almost the whole thing, not good…