california cancer label on coca cola

I don’t eat much crap anymore, but i do enjoy a regular coke here and there. All in moderation, of course 9 sodas a day isn’t good for you.

You’re right, but why expedite your death? This is fun to make fun of, I’m sure. You obviously aren’t educated on the topic(s) at hand. What this all comes down to is science and the consequences of the chemical in question whether they are good or bad.

Let me ask you a question: Do you know what BPA (Bisphenol-A) is and why it’s being removed from almost everything?

Glad you brought that up. We know you can get killed driving a car. Do you know why corn syrup is bad for you (not just your health) and the effects it has on everything you come into contact with?


Do you or do you not consume alcohol.

Let me explain myself.

Alcohol is quite literally a poison that has a side effect people enjoy. I do not consume alcohol. At all. That’s my choice. Am I trying to educate you or anyone else? Fuck no. Do what you want, and let everyone else do what they want.

You’re attitude is what makes it possible for this shit to happen. The less people know the less likely things are to change. I educate people because they don’t know and should. You do what you want with the information, but should you choose to disregard what I say then you will be just another victim of ignorance.

I mean hey, it’s all good until your newborn has a life threatening birth defect, right? None of this will ever affect your life I guess.

So do you consume alcohol or no? :rofl

Whether I consume alcohol or not is not the topic of the thread or what I am talking about, but I’ll answer: Alcohol does have side effects, I do consume it occasionally. There is a time and a place for it. There are also types of alcoholic beverages that are responsibly produced that do not contain chemicals or GMO versions of their natural counterparts. This is another facet of the issue at hand as well… Oh, that’s right, you wouldn’t know/care what I’m talking about. Are you sure this doesn’t affect you?

If you consume alcohol you are willingy consuming a poison. ALL alcohol is poison. You are also supporting an industry that ruins and ends the lives of people every day. Your attitude about alcohol along with the attitude of every single complacent consumer supports drunk driving, domestic abuse due to drunken rages, etc. See how fucking douchey that sounds? I’ll still buy you a beer if I meet you out somewhere.

Yeah, i know I sound like crazy Prius lady, but it’s the attitude I question. I understand your argument, blown out as it may be for that scenario lol, but this is something in which there is no rehab program or education. I’m sure in time people will educate themselves about it.

This really boils down to what people are willing to fight for. I want to fight for a good food supply for my family and other families. I also want other people to do the same for me. I don’t want any family to suffer from the ill effects of a compound utilized in our food supply that wasn’t tested, or tested impartially.

The foundations for life are being messed around with and the general populous is the test subject. I don’t know what the answer is, but you have to start somewhere. I guess the reason you know alcohol, cigarettes, and whatever is bad for you is because we only know after the fact. Shit, with all the advances in technology, biochemistry, and education you would have to wager a guess that people know enough to not consume Drain-o, right? (Though I still wonder sometimes :lol)

I’d bet theres ammonia in drain-o we consume plenty of that, and bleach. I feel like those two put together make something but idk. I must be crazy to think that’s unnecessary to put in food. Maybe we should make it like alcahol or cigs, you gotta be 18 or 21 to willingly consume the poison, would that satisfy you cap crew?

need to go back the 50’s, second hand smoke all the shit thats bad for you and kills people before their time, cause Darwinism is taking to long to thin the herd and I am sick of being told what I can and can’t do. I feel bad for the future you younger guys will have to face. Sad.

LOL, yeah smoking used to be prescribed by doctors back in the day. My biggest problem with all this shit is that we are pretty much forced into consuming it. Too much government owned by corporate america…

I suppose the more you know and the less other people care will thin the herd pretty good… it still won’t change the fact that some people wouldn’t take the time to change their life…

I just want to make sure that we keep something left for the future. I just had a little girl and she’s 6 months old… wonder what life will be like for her when she’s my age…

You’re the one complaining about us consuming poison not me. If the labels would make you happy then push for em, I don’t care much. :dunno

lol I’m not mad it’s just unnecessary to use a lot of artificial shit, I’m glad something potentially harmful isn’t going to be consumed in mass quantities anymore. fuck a label on my soda just use quality ingredients so I don’t have to hear about this sorta thing.

I don’t see a warning label on my preztels for containing ammonium bicarbonate :troll: I vote its a choice, and incredibly uneccessary to have a warning label on the soda. People know (rougly) what’s good and bad for them, no reason for shitting on a 80+ year old company for their product. People want to drink soda, to each their own. I don’t drink soda unless it has liquor in it, does that mean at the bar I need a surgeon generals warning telling me my beverage is bad for me? Like no shit its bad for me but its my choice to drink it. 'Merika!!!

Natural selection FTW.

Sent as a fabrication of your imagination

Sent as a fabrication of your imagination

This ^

And isn’t there a whole thread about twinky company going out of business? They are terrible for you and everyone is up in arms about the jobs lost, imagine what would happen if coca cola went under and how many jobs would be lost and people impacted because they are a " bad food " this is a stupid argument, if people aren’t smart enough or don’t care enough to educate themselves about good vs bad food who are you to teach them, live and let live how people want. I think it’s a well known fact that soda is bad for you and that McDonald’s is bad for you but people still eat there … So much that its I think the biggest restaurant in the world
( might not be true but I’m pretty sure )

I like Burger King, but I did work at McDs and ate some. Bet thats a solid ten years off the top.

Case in point ^ red is a fatty …

they have the choice to use quality ingredients just like I have the choice whether or not to drink it. we should all know the risks of the foods we eat and they should have to tell us so we can make an educated decision as to whether or not you want to ingest it. it shouldn’t be acceptable to sell us detrimental products without a warning label atleast telling us it’s not good