yup, read the whole thing written by an ex-racer and jounalist.
… Now for an inconvenient truth about CO2 sources — nature generates about 30 times as much of it as does man. Yet the warming worriers are unconcerned about nature’s outpouring. They — and Al Gore — are alarmed only about anthropogenic CO2, that 3.2 percent caused by humans.
That is true, only 3.2% of the total amount of co2 that goes in the atmosphere is produce by humans.
About half that is obsorbed naturally by the earth.
The Keeling curve rises about only ~.4% each year (since 1958). This is directly cause per net accumulation of co2 gasses not naturally being absorbed.
So take that $10,000 that you wanted to invest and put it in a savings acount that removes the yearly net profit (notice I am not compounding interest). After 48 years @ only .4% it is only $1920. Since that is an ingsignifigant amount by your standards please send that $1920 this way.
I am just going by the truely measurable regions of the curve and not even the predicted 200~250 years of the Industrial Revolution.
When water vapor is put in that perspective, then anthropogenic CO2 produces less than 0.1 of one percent of the greenhouse effect.
Ice core samples dating back 400,000 years show no relation between water vapor and warm periods. In fact, water vapors from some warm periods appear to be frozen in the ice samples.