The specific colors that are currently on the chopping block are all dark hues, with the worst offender seemingly the most innocuous color you could think of: Black. What could California possibly have against these colors, you ask? Apparently, the California Air Resources Board figures that the climate control systems of dark colored cars need to work harder than their lighter siblings
I wonder what FRACTION of a PERCENT loss there is between AC in a 5000lb black V8 benz versus a AC in a 5000lb white V8 benz
According to Ward’s, suppliers have reportedly been testing their pigments and processes to see if it’s possible to meet CARB’s proposed mandate of 20% solar reflectivity by 2016 with a phase-in period starting in 2012, and things aren’t looking good.
Brilliant. Shear brilliance.
I think the only real issue at hand is the windows… or DARK interiors… not the color of the car itself.
edit: this presentation sucks btw! I hate when they put a bunch of numbers in but really don’t do anything more with it.
IE: A windshield with a Rdsof 30% will reduce soak temps by 4oC (4 degrees? in how long are we talking about baking in the hot sun? or just driving with the AC already on…)
or the real issue at hand gays… All the fragrances, and lubrication they use and they friction they create from butt fucking, now thats gotta cause quite the heating problem…
And, no, they mention all surfaces including metal, plastic, CLOTH… you name it.
I REALLY hope this was one of those things where someone made a comment about black colored cars in passing and someone sprung up with “You know what? Why don’t we…” Because I would rather this be the result of a random “observation” rather then some study that they spent $millions on.
Either way, yea, I can’t wait for the Peoples Republic of Californication to float away…