So my car is off the road for the year, with the engine problems getting fixed and all, and I have decided that I would like to powder coat my works. That being said I need some help on deciding a color. If anyone has ideas and wants to photo shop one of the pictures below be my guest. They aren’t great but its all I have. If you pick other post what color you think. Thanks.
As I said in the other thread glow in the dark hands down. Gold is played out, flat black is dumb and played out, white could pop but keeping them clean would suck, the cherry red could be hot but I would have to see a preview. Lime green is close to glow in the dark only it DOESN’T.
if you think white would be hard to keep clean, think of glow in the dark, any dirt on it would stand out sooo bad. I think a pink or red would be sweet.
I do like the silver but I loved the white too… to answer your question with the options though id say flat black or gold so I guess im not much of a help…
Whats wrong with your engine if you dont mind me asking?