I think this is the hardest decision to make :picard: I want something different, but not too flashy. I am stuck between black, dark grey, 2 tone, or blue. Sonic blue is nice, but it seems like it is on every other car. I am really feeling the black and gray combos. My car will have prostars on it next year.
Here is a far away pic of my car as it sits.
Feel free to post up some cool ideas if you have any…
no way why ruin a four eyed car. They are becoming super rare why would you want to make your car look like everyone elses. Thats my opinion i guess I like having a different looking car.
#3 gets my vote, I like the dark grey and black two toned look. Otherwise, I would go with all black. Yeah it can be said that it’s over done and over played but it’s still hard to beat.