Call of Duty: Black Ops

PS3: USAFmavrick

I think so, went to Olive Garden on Saturday I think it was and thought I saw a Grand Opening sign.

Amazon gives 200 points ($20) off a future game purchase if you buy through them.
Amazon prime gives free release date delivery…otherwise that’s only .99 cents extra I think.
I <3 amazon!

There is a local place that sells them early.

I will be waiting in line at Best Buy tonight for mine and have 2 days off as I did last year.

Can’t wait.

2 days? Hell I’ll be going home and staying up all night intill I finish the game.

If places are selling them early I might as well start playing online after work today.
Gamer tag: Ahh Sloots

i cant wait to do some work lol
my xbl gamertag is: impacknheat

pm info plz :wink:

pm info plz ;)[/QUOTE]



My tag is TradersBASE
I know…how original. LOL :wink:

That reminds me, when are you going to get good at that game :wink:

Oh snap!
1V1 him 1V1 him!!!
LOL :wink:

Gamer tag: boxxakid

I should be on after 1am

The multiplayer video with the new toys look freaking great. The little RC car bomb looks like it will be the new claymore on the “piss off the enemy” scale.

I am curious how this one will turn out. I don’t know if anyone remembers but most of Infinity Ward left after the MW2 release so this is a newer staff that managed this game since its being developed by Treyarch that is owned by Activision and didn’t work on the MW2 game. The last one they worked on was World at War. The modern ones were IW using their engine so confused if this one managed to keep the same engine or rewrote another one to apply to this game.

Most of the IW guys are working for Respawn Entertainment now.

def picking this up tonight

ps3 gamertag: Patmagroin868

Haha last year I got to level 50, beat the game on Normal and Easy and had most of the Special Ops done with my friend before I went back to work. Hope to have similar progress this year.

World at War was pretty good, too. Definitely bloodier than MW or MW2, I rememeber blowing dude’s arms off with some of the bigger caliber weapons


I hate those dogs in zombie mode!!!