Call of Duty: Black Ops

The whole point of the game is multiplayer


I have never completed a COD single player. Just do it long enough to get the controls down. Last time I lost interest right after No Russian.

xbl parties are so fucking glitchy and shitty right now

i also never realized how many nerdy people play COD online and its even funnier since pretty much all of them talk shit, and you see everyone in real life and its like :io:

There is a single player in this?

I like the improved stats, ability to vote on maps, and the future file sharing ability. I don’t like that little house map and the buying guns. Feels like I’m playing counterstrike.

Those of you who haven’t played the single player COD games is missing out BIG TIME!!!

Take it from me, I’ve played all of them from day 1, and the single player campaigns are great.

I’m not super impressed with this game. MW2 was awesome. COD:BO is only just barely worth the money to me, but probably not to someone who isn’t a huge COD fan.

ughh, how are the maps so far? I realy only play multiplayer. :frowning:


this game is meh, im not too impressed at all

Moving straight from WAW to BC2, skipping over that PC pile MW2…I think the game is pretty tight. Sure there’s some release day bugs and lag but that will smooth out in the next cpl days i’m sure. All in all it was worth the $60.

servers are pissing me the fuck off right now.

Parties and matching are being retarded. We tried to party up and join games tonight and would drop the party. Halo 2 and 3 used to do this too if your party leader is behind a NAT. Wish the game would be aware and take that into account. Also have played three straight mercenary games and stacked teams ridiculously unfairly. 4 out of 6 on my team were 20+ ranks against 6 people who are under a 8.

I miss Infinity Ward but I guess the good news is that they planned for the massive player base since over all XBL and Activisions servers havent shit the bed entirely yet.

Halo > CoD. That is all.

I didnt like it. Im selling mine.

It’s kinda meh. I haven’t bought it yet, played a few hours of single player at my coworker’s house. Very reminiscent of World at War. I’ll grab it used somewhere.

Way bloodier than MW2, but I don’t see my copy of that going back on the shelf any time soon.

I like halo but at least there’s more to COD than just jump, throw grenade, repeat.

I like it.

just picked it up and going on live now: pirite716

This rocks I’m actually better at this MW. I still suck, but i’m better lol

PS3 is USAF_Mavrick

M14 with reflex scope is definitely fun. Fuck the M16

red dot > reflex

BO has a really good campaign, it’s not like most of the other “let’s make a online game and throw in single player” FPS. Graphics also seem a lot more detailed, Definitely check it out.

My PS3 is Jabbu

---------- Post added at 11:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------

You sure?