Call of Duty: Black Ops

Do you lose all your $$$ when you prestige?


Dead Ops is so much fun. Its good to play that once in a while with your buddies to change it up.

Anyone gonna be on tonight? We can try to party up again and see if it allows us to actually join games together. Haha.

I haven’t had any problems with match making with any amount of people.

New record for me, I made it to level 18 solo, on Kin Der Toten!

Holy shit. So, My previous record for solo Kin Der Toten zombies was 18. This weekend, I made it to level 26. Today… mother fucking level 45 bitch. King Kong style!

some pwnage right there.

Craziest cat zombie. Ever.

Solid pwnage. I am impressed.

nice pussy at about 2:20 :stuck_out_tongue:

Hah, yeah, my cat never gets up on the TV stand, and of course, she does when I’m filing. Stupid cat.

I found at that no matter how good you are, playing Hardcore free for all will just piss you off.

Hardcore anything pisses me off. All the kids do is camp. Most frustrating thing.

Counter-camp! There is a strategy against every offense.

The answer is always tea-bagging

Just take my gay cat and put here in front of their TV.

Nazi Zombie cat is angered at your progress

Just make sure some asshole on your team isnt running around getting massive deaths. Cant win when you your team each has a positive K/D ration and you have some asshat 0-17

The game is unforgiving sometimes. I’ll go a few rounds, where I take first place every time, with like 17 - 5 K/D, then the next few, I’ll just lose so badly. I think you get in the groove sometimes, and sometimes you don’t. I swear they make it more difficult for you sometimes, lol. It’s rough on my self esteem when I go from first place with 17 - 5 down to last place with 2 - 14 :frowning:

lol I know exactly how you feel…

I keep messing around with different perks/weapons combos and its hurting my KD