Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

just played for almost 5 hrs this afternoon lol

im playin dis game right now, some azn down the hall has it

bought it last night, played about 6 hours of it, probably the best game ever

ps3 or xbox

You play on Ps3 don’t ya?

Everybody who plays on Xbox, star listing your names here as well (as an addon to all the other threads we have to list the names)

Vovchandr < is my XBL Sn.

I think my accuracy is in the 13-13.5% range, and KtD is .85-.88. It varies each night really.

Cosseyowns is my XBL.
Cosseyowns is my PSN.

I only play on XBL for the most part. MUCH better online. Plus the controller seems to be better for it, cuz it’s more spaced out. It just feels better. Especially how the analog sticks have the “crater” in them, it helps keep control.

i’m getting a 360 SOON. fucking ps3.

My gamertag is IXICodeBlueIXI

anyone want to buy a brand new, unopened copy for Xbox 360? I have one I’m trying to get rid of…

$$50 bucks gets it

also, for whomever has issues with the NAT settings set to moderate, heres a complete guide on how to port forward…

Thought you were gonna return it to get the full $60 + tax back?

It doesn’t have the barcode. in it’s place it’s got NOT FOR RESALE.


Ahh fuck.

Wanna come over tomorrow night and help me go from moderate NAT to port forward? I’m a little confused reading that link.


I was talking to Jason. But you can come too. Monday Night Football @ my place?

YOOO next time you all are playing hit me up


Guess i finally gotta pick up a 360…


cliffticuff - ps3.

Socom & MW2

I’ll cut you a deal on mine. I don’t give a dead moose’s last shit, I never use it.

xbox - Samasterflex