Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

i don’t dislike my machine and i won’t sell it. Like it or not it’s dead reliable. Doesn’t change the fact Sony dropped the ball bigtime. especially after coming off PS2.

Arent GOOD BluRay players like $300 anyway? That was the logic I was going to use to get a PS3 later this year. I dont play enough games to get it just for that.

So if I sign up for XBL can we have a Shift thunderdome or what? I’m talking Goldeneye on 64 type legendary. Can you do the campaign on co-op or just the special forces stuff. I want to beat it on mega hard but would prefer company because it’ll take forever lol.

Yes to that second part. They have a 'spec ops" mode.

+rep sir. Best fucking game of all time. I still have this hooked up in the living room. Let me know if anyone wants to come over and do battles! :thumbup

Damn I am down for that. Goldeneye FTW.

fuck yea… i wish i could find my original goldeneye Cart… i had EVERYTHING unlocked… it took forever. I was HOOKED on that shit when i was a kid. It never gets old.

Awhile back they were going to re-do the graphics and release it on Xbox live, but Nintendo still had some of the rights and wouldn’t sign off on it. I would’ve bought a 360 in an instant for this.

Agreed many wasted nights playing that.

so when is the GoldenEye tournament at my house gonna be?

I can bring my see though purple N64 and I have 2 GoldenEye carts with the unlocked stuff. Would be EPIC!

oh fuck yes. I am starting a new thread!


Yep. Def. I have all the Nintendo systems except a Virtual Boy, and Org. Gameboy.

do you have a super famicom? i do i do!!!

Dusty that is wayyyy too JDM.

ill be on for a bit playing on ps3. send me and invite to jvgm if your on and want to play

my buddy from japan gave it to me!!! its awesome

So who has shooting % accuracy over 20?

Or any good KtD ratios?

No I dont. I honestly have to say I am jealous! Thats not often that happens. I do have a Famicom edtion Gameboy Micro, its all chrome gold and red.

12.89 % accuracy and a .82 k/d ratio. Thos gunship helicopters and hovering jets are fucking brutal.

i got every nintendo but the virtual boy and the other you said you didnt have