Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

PSN isn’t going to do SHIT except try to sell PS3 users more bullshit they don’t need. Cloths for your HOME avatars anyone? FUCK SONY.

They lost ALL their proprietary software, except Gran Turismo and Ratchet & Clank. FUCK Uncharted, shits weak. Remember the good ol days when GTA was a PS exclusive. Fuck you SONY you bunch of cockbags.

I’ve owned both.

Read that:

dude, i know all that. I have a PS3. I’m not saying it’s not a good machine, I’m saying it’s time for SONY fanboys to stop the dick riding. Sony hasn’t delivered SHIT this generation software and promise wise. xbox360s online support hands down kicks the shit out of sonys. yea yea yea ps3 is free. I know, i have one remember. But what does the software industry as a whole stand behind? Not the PS3. All we get are shit ports of 360 games. Oh yea, and we have Home. WOW, that was a fucking blockbuster.

Don’t take this wrong, I’m not ranting at you, FUCK SONY.

lol, they really hit your soft spot.

Well, my personal opinion: I love my ps3. Live is better than psn multiplayer, it def. works like all multiplayer should from what I remember, BUT when I’m not playing multi, but using the ps3 for single player, Bluray movies (full 1080P real HD, not fake), netflix, Vuze, web sometimes (if I had a fullsize keyboard I wouldn’t really need this computer), I feel and know it’s such a better machine than that plastic box. It’s like Ferrari versus Ford. Sure Ford has an imprinted fake leather plastic dash, but don’t you want the smell, feel, and essence of the real thing? lol

If you have something personal with sony, like they screwed you over big time with something then, sure I can see your point, but from your summed up “Xbox ftw” comment, it doesn’t prove anything.

Xbox ftw w/ multiplayer synchronization. Xbox FTL w/ everything else.
PS3 still has multiplayer (which is free), but just isn’t as well developed as the 360’s (which I repeat again, it still is free). PS3 FTW in everything else.

EDIT: o, snap. I just saw your signature …you own a ford lol. (That still doesn’t mean they make some fast cars, so relax. NO offense to ford)

Yea and the PSN network has been down what… 3/4 days of the release of MW2. OWNED.

I love all the PS3 dick riders. That system failed hard. You have to admit it. Blue Ray is like $100.00 dollars now. PS3 games blow. For every good PS3 game there is 10 Xbox ones. Plastic box? Who cares what the exterior chassis is made of.

word +1. The only reason I was going to get a PS3 was because of the blue ray and now that it is dirt cheap, I won’t be considering a PS3.


Paying to play online FTL? It’s $50.00 for the year. Your not talking about alot of money.

XBMC??? Hello?? EVERYTHING the ps3 does, the xbox one ups it. Minus blue-ray, but who gives a shit, i have like 3 of those. SONY hasn’t done anything to me other than put out an inferior product. I’ve never used the net on a 360 so i can’t say whether the browser is decent but i can tell you absolutely blows dick on the PS3.

Oh and the Ford thing, what are you driving hot shot?


People need to get off Sony’s nuts. They failed hard this gen.


I’m not biased either, I would own a PS3 if it had SOMETHING decent. Web browser? What the fuck… use your PC if you want to browse the web. Xbox dashboard is sick now. Netflix is awesome.

Paging 94GT

FML I really need to step up and get a 360…

is anyone on here running XBMC on theirs? If it will save me from having to get that stand-alone pc to stream from the server I will go this route.

Wayne, please buy xbox… I cant imagine how fun MW2 online would be with you.

lol Tracey won’t let me buy a headset because of my ever expanding vocabulary. She says i sound like the dad from “A Christmas Story” ahahaha. :rofl

Bahahahhaha!!! :rofl :rofl :rofl

i have to turn my headsets off…ive found out that most kids play while there parents watch and listen to me talk about fucking kids moms and railing there asses and all that good shit if they steal my kills so ive simply put the headset down i had to

I’l put a headset down usually unless I’m actually in a match. I can’t stand listening to most people. The other night I was playing w/ Ryan, Jason(CodeBlue) and Vlad. Some kid was in the game w/ the XBLID of “BoostedWRX” and I said “boosted WRX, eh?”
The kid said “What? You got a problem with that?”

Aren’t all WRX’s boosted? lol (That was rhetorical, btw.)

I thought people were trying to be hardasses on just this forum… Nope, it’s 10x worse on video games online. Especially because a lot of kids are in the 13-17 range.

Then I was playing w/ some kids from Australia, who would do nothing but trash America. It seems a lot of foreigners seem to do that.

dude i wasn’t going to post it, but I was playing the other day with this group from Georgia… It was like being in a fucking ebonics lesson. I’m sure you can guess where this was going. I was wishing to god i had a headset. These dumb fucks wouldn’t shut up.

That was hilarious.

Nah, just a new game. :lol

Sony may not be doing so much this gen, so you say, but the PS2 is still selling… wheres reg. Xbox?

I like my BluRay and games in one system, less clutter. And I do believe Sony owns BluRay, so either way, 360 owners are getting some Sony in their house.

And Wayne, how much you want for your PS3 then? My bro wants one so we can have LAN matches.

Shit talking on Xbox is key.