Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Sell me some of your other games…

I went to bed, was exhausted from yesterday. You playing laters this evening?

I will be! Boost creep whats your gamer tag?

I will most likely be playing on and off all week…xbox live…samasterflex…add me

Update to all PSN users:

Infinity Ward says that servers are coming back online, but most users will still experience problems trying to get into games online. They said “The game is a victim of it’s own popularity”.

They just fixed the patch for the trophies.

The patch for the friend invites should be out by the end of the week.

All multiplayer should be working at the end of the week.

I’m going to try getting online now, but wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t work.

o hai, btw:

Forgot how to do this since I pretty much went all apple a couple years ago, but… my bro has a linksys router, WRT54g to be exact:

His NAT is “Moderate” which should be open. I remember doing this a bunch back in high school with linksys routers and getting them to Open Ports. Anyone know or remember what to do to get the NAT to be “Open” and not “Moderate”??



mine sketchmasterfle ill send you a friend request later.

Yeah, playstation multiplayer is back up, played for a bit this morning.

mine is showing as open, i have ports forwarded in my router config. that should fix it for you.

PS3 fail.

holy shit this game is sick… airport scene was nutttts


Your upset because more people have PS3.

You cant play Killzone 2.

You have to pay for online.

Sry. :lol

That doesn’t help me one bit.

What ports for ps3?

What else needs to be enabled/disabled?? I don’t believe this router he has (wrt54g) has UPnP, but what about that?

ROFL @ more people having PS3 than Xbox 360… you are crazy.

Xbox outsold PS3 what… 10 fold?

Maybe. Yeah that was reaching. :rofl

iirc it was 28mil for xbox, 8 for ps3 or something along those lines.

I have both, I game online with both.

Xbox live wins hands down, even though you have to pay.

paying for online play FTL

haha thats awesome

and xbox live ftw, I would even pay more if I had to, hardly ever have issues, even when a popular game comes out and gagillions of people are online

…I heard PSN is in the middle of making “clan battles” in game instead of using where people report their scores, which ends up with 95% of the people cheating. That would be sick if PSN makes that.

I wouldn’t be surprised. They have clans in Killzone already.