Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

just went 33-0-6 and i didnt have my nuke on FML

22 kill streak WHATSUPCOSSEY!!

Well Im up to like a level 41-42 with only having the game for about a week :lol

I LOVE when I go into a room and get my balls busted for being a “noob” and then go on to win the matches against dudes that are level 70’s :rofl

I’ve been playing a lot lately. I’ve been home the past few days from getting my wisdom teeth out.

OMG last night was awesome… There was three kids nuke boosting on Favela they were behind the one building by the run down alley. two were killing each other and one was a look out. ran up knifed the look out destroyed his tactical insertion. walked around the corner. hit select to see how who hasd the most kills the kid was @ 23 and zero deaths. as i was looking he hit 24 ran up knifed him PWND right before his nuke LAWLS they were PISSED there was only like 3 min left in the match. I ended up willing the match 30-0-9 WIN SAUCE. then i reported the three of them.

hahaha that’s awesome.

I was playing a game lastnight where one of the guys from the other team ended up on ours and was telling his friends where we all were and was also team killing us. I love cheaters on this game.


My favorite map to get a nuke on is Invasion. I use the embassy in the back to cover the courtyard, and two streets leading to the rest of the map. Went 30-1 the first time but my death was at my 6th kill so bye bye nuke.

The second time around, same map, I am at 0 deaths and I have my pavelow flying around slamming the kills for me. Then I get my chopper gunner with 5 min still left in the game, im thinking this is it, im going to get my nuke. Just then, the game lobby closed. HOLY SHIT was I mad.

uh what?

Cold Blooded is crazy useful. Especially in ANY S&D match.

As well as ninja!

I can’t play FFA without Ninja. I use a high quality headset and I can hear people without ninja running on the other side of the map.

Any when you are playing FFA, you do NOT want people to know where you are.

u might feel like a winner


you’re a LOOSER

^ Same, third perk on every class is Ninja Pro. I use the Turtle Beach wireless ones.

I’m just busting his balls, most all the perks are useful depends on the game and what you plan on doing

Danger close & noob-tube… I call it my anti-camping campaign. I pull it out when whole teams of people decide to camp. “Fuckin noob tuber wahhh”… yeah? Don’t camp, bitch.

I have the Turtle Beach wired set. Great headphones.

I don’t get people who complain about certain weapons. It’s a war game and YES launchers do exist. If you weren’t so stupid staying in the same spot you wouldn’t get your ass blown up 24-7. Its a weapon of the game, deal with it.

haha nice man, justice was served

dude i hate when the game just ends like that

Yep. I rack up 20+ kills easily on wasteland. Everyone goes to the center bunker… I launch noob tubes like mad with the scav perk. lol

Wasteland and Estate are the worst maps ever.