Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Was playing Sabotage like usual today started of 22-0-0 before and wish I had enabled my nuke finished 45-8-15 due to the fact at 22-0-0 my team was doing nething else but dieing and camping. Ended up single handed killing the entire opposing team in overtime. Noob bitches :ahh I play way to much COD I need help

I been playing search and destroy lately. Good shit.

Almost 4th Prestige.

I am at the point where I can choose to Prestige for the first time and I will but I have a goal to get a Nuke first. I have had plenty of opps in the past to get a nuke but never had it set as a killstreak reward so, shouldnt take too long.

Mr woot. I would like to play search and destroy again soon. I dont know what the fuck was going on with xbl yesterday. I couldnt join any games with cossy, Jclark and corey. That was after the XBL servers had a brain fart and would boot you out of every match you tried to join. So instead i ended up getting in a few games with Adam= ALLGO5OH? Fuck man for just getting the game you arent too bad all though i won like 4-5 free for all matches in a row. I know some dude were getting pissed. I yesterday reported 6 people for nuke boosting.

Good! One thing I have noticed is that usually I will find 1 out of every 4 games on PS3 has boosters. But when I play on XBL it is almost in every single game. I stopped playing FFA on XBL for that reason.

On PS3 though, I own them and it works out because they are so dumb and keep going to the same spots over and over again.

Yeh thats how i won a bunch of matches also just kept going there and killing the little fuckers.

Let me know, I play search a lot more now. It’s WAY more tactical and stealthy which is the type of game play I like. I like objective based team games. Reminds me of CS: source.

XBL was down for like 20 minutes around 4:30pm. Worked fine after that. The nuke and shield boosters are getting old. Also, people trying to “buy” 10th Prestige with MS points is really fucking lame. You can tell the people who boosted because they always suck. If you are a legit 10th Prestige you are no joke.

That’s not true. You can get to tenth prestige just by playing a lot.

You don’t have to be good, just time consuming.

Dont think you realize the amount needed to play for that. Has to be at least 15-20+ days of playtime. 360-480 hours.

I played for abour 6 hours yesterday goddamn did my eyes start to bother me at around 9

You would have to play a LOT and if you are playing 12 days + of game time to reach 10th prestige and that is being coservative, it is impossible to suck. You have played enough to know the ins and outs, tactics, etc. Sure there will be exceptions to that rule but you will be hard pressed to find a shitty player that got to 10th by playing legit.

On the other hand, if you are sitting in a corner shooting your buddy in the face getting all sorts of challenges, perks, killstreaks in EVERY game you play. It will take no time to get to tenth and when you get there you are going to be as good as a begginer that hasnt even hit 1st prestige.

Yea, but then it wont matter because people will see you constantly on the bottom of the list and they know you suck.

I’ve noticed I play a lot more conservatively now after a lot of S&D. I played two ground war matches and went 12-1, and 7-2. I’d much rather do that then go 24-20.

Also, a tip for people starting out… Put your killstreaks on something ATTAINABLE. Dont just go Harrier, AC130, Nuke if you are never getting that many kills. Go care package, predator, and harrier. Much more efficient for you and your team. I’ve been liking Predator, Harrier and Pave Low lately.

Exactly right about the kill-streaks. The best combo imo is the one you mentioned, Pred, Harr, Pave low.

I have been playing mostly Free For All which, you really have to play mostly defensively on. Although, for certain maps, being offensive is key because people like to camp in FFA. Now whenever I play other game types, Dom, Sab, etc, I play well because I am so used to being able to play both def and off. My KTD reflects my tactics as right now I am at 1.95 pushing for two this week.

I usually rock: Predator, Harrier, AC130.

It’s fun to switch them up though, Pavelow can do serious work.

Predator, Harrier, Pavelow. Once you get the Predator, you usually have the other 2 in another 30 seconds.

I play enough XBL to have been a 10th prestige already, however i only spend 1/4 of it on this game.

Will be focusing on getting my first nuke this evening, and possible 1st level prestige.

nice man, i got my first prestige a few days ago, im not going to prestige this time though until i get all the weapon challenges. Which with me may take until 2013. As far as a nuke goes, that will never happen…

I can finally play hardcore! I unlocked cold blooded!

Cold Blooded is for noobs and campers, lol