Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

I got the Group Hug challenge yesterday (Sticky an enemy and they run into a room and kill themselves and other enemys. Dissappointed in that there was no emblem or title for it.

Had a cool game winning noob tube double kill nothing special but it was funny. I intended to noob tube a guy in a room in Favela. I noob tubed in the window blindly but i managed to shoot in in on window, out the window in the back and in another window across the street going in to the concrete bunker on the hill.

Yeah that was funny shit. we both knew there was a guy in the first building but when we saw the grenade pass through the other side of the building into the adjacent one and kill two people we were both going WTF. Those guys literally had no idea where that came from :lol

Shooting Justin in the back of the head with the grenade launcher while he though he was all stealthy on the roof was awesome too.

Screw being fair, never knew real war to be fair so the game should be no different. I mean all the glitches and shit are pretty weak and should be corrected, but if I want to litter the board with a dozen claymores or sentry guns then so be it. Players on the other team shouldn’t suck so bad to allow me to get that far anyway.

I’m not an allstar player like Mr JVG, but I do have some good matches from time to time and fuck shit up. Was doing really good on a sabotage match(23-5-4) just yesterday with 7 minutes to go and the damn game lagged and timed out. Figures :shifty. Just me constantly lobbing grenades from a high vantage point and picking the bags of ammo right back up. They keep shouting “fucking asshole with the noooooobe tooooobe” but that ain’t my problem. They’re the idiots for running right back in the same spot every time and getting their shit blown up.

Played for the first time today in months. SCAR with the noob tube. Me and another guy had this one building held down, did alright considering Im level 28 :lol Still would much rather play CS than MW.

I got the title and emblem for killing all six people on the other team with a single airstrike. Much easier in sabotage when they are all planting a bomb :rofl

another nuke

Playing against noobs :tongue


I have yet to get one.

Banging out the rest of the titles left and right however.

Damn man!!

I went 30-2-1 on Team Death Match the other day. No nuke. ;p

Oh, and my team still only won by about 1500 points, lol.

^ rofl

Went 39-1-2 on Afghan the other day.

nuke #4

and some little kid called me a nuke boosting faggot:rofl

then i went 24-4-0 and was just about to get a nuke and the game ended… FUCK

Wtf I want more noob games, you guys are pwning my 20-0 pic.

then the next game there was a queer with the riot shield. proceeded to throw a semtex grenade and got a triple kill because everyone thought they were safe behind him ahahahaa

:rofl I love that! I got “group hug” the other day for that shit

Ive been playing alot lately, however i dont get nukes like you guys, sometimes, i dont even get kills lol

I play on the 360, gt is Majin STA.

oh and watch out for the negative xp lobbies, they will reset you back all the way to 1 if you get in one turn off the xbox right away

I’m with you, my good games are total flukes. Normally I just play to irritate good players.

Wait whats this now?

I want to start over at 1, that would be great!