Calling all r56 mini coopers!

I need an r56 Mini Cooper for some exhaust develpment. Please pm me for detail.


Might be a tough order, since all of their timing chains are broken :slight_smile:

@BREETIME builds extremely high quality exhausts. If you have an R56 then I highly recommend sending him a message.



they are all in getting walnut blasted too

My brothers vert is fine :stuck_out_tongue:
ill ask him if he wants exhaust. How long will you need the car for?

If it’s the same car you borrowed the pulley removal tool for then it’s an R52. Jason is looking for a turbo motor.

Good call I confuse the R56 and R52 regularly I do have a buddy with one its a 09 clubman S… but its in the shop the chain failed with 90K on it. (ironic considering the rest of this thread… )
(in 90K he has had the clutch, turbo, and now the engine…)

I sent you a PM. I have my 2013 GP sitting in the garage for the winter. If you can keep it inside when you have it i can bring it over when the roads dry up (tires are kind of bald)