Calling people with stretched ears.

Fail. You cut your dick off and you’re a self converted flat chested girl.

Let me guess, shes a CEO for a large investment firm? Or a school teacher, or a lawyer, or an officer of the law, or… Nope wait shes unemployed, works in a tattoo shop, or a carny.

Thank you for removing yourself from my prospective job fields.

Seriously, do people just not care that they alter their body so far that they are effectively ruining the only life they are given? I would love to interview these people when they are sitting on their death bed. Were you truly happy doing what you did 50 years ago?

I have nothing against you man, but I seriously would like to know why. You are farrrr from that chode I commented on above, so please dont take any of that as a swing at you… because its not. In fact I think your a great dude, and have your shit together rather well. I honestly just would like to know why.