Callout MARCUS


lol in his dreams :poke:


maybe in 5 yrs when hes done with his car woop woop


im down to run the TT viper. i will show up with my dancing shows on. no harm in seeing a TT Viper and what it can do.

mark cmon dont make me come down the street.


So what does that mean, you are gonna dance for us like Grease or The Producers?? Fag… :smiley:


So what does that mean, you are gonna dance for us like Grease or The Producers?? Fag… :smiley:


you pick :wink:

ok im mad i just read 19 pages of posts and no video!!! someones gettin dickkicked


ok im mad i just read 19 pages of posts and no video!!! someones gettin dickkicked


could have saved yourself the trouble of reading sense there is another forum just for videos


could have saved yourself the trouble of reading sense there is another forum just for videos



oh it’s on dan. i hope all your grammar is correct.

i have the longest custom titles.

I really don’t understand why everyone’s pointing fingers at Marcus and laughing just because he lost :gotme:

He has a very nice, fast car and had the balls to show up and make it happen when the majority of people here wouldn’t ever step up. This is the first time I can remember that a local Viper owner has actually raced anyone!

For all those thinking that Marcus’s ego took a huge hit after the race consider this: If he really had a “big bad domestic” ego, he wouldn’t have shown up to race a Civic in the first place.

[quote=“Final GTS,post:349,topic:29791"”]

When someone attacks my character, for NO reason, when they have no clue about me, I respond to find out why- simple…

… all mods on Marcus’s car were put there by me…

… So what if it won or lost, it still fits the bill for what you just said above. As I said many times, I cannot ask any of my friends or customers to run their cars- thats their deal.


Your “character?” You mean “credibility” right? Were you wanting to use the word “ego” but were thinking of something less obvious?

Sorry man, But J&J Speed Shop has more credibility than you.

Everyone loves to bust your balls because of your internet / Viper ego. It’s too damn easy to get you going.

I had no idea you did all the work on Marcus’s Viper. I stand corrected, but you bring up a good point: Why should your customers fight your battles for you?

Oh, and no cable = no vid yet.


domestics vs imports, oh noez. everyone ride the coat tails of all the fast cars on either side! ready go!


Where does that leave me? :2fingers:


[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:468,topic:29791"”]

I really don’t understand why everyone’s pointing fingers at Marcus and laughing just because he lost :gotme:

He has a very nice, fast car and had the balls to show up and make it happen when the majority of people here wouldn’t ever step up. This is the first time I can remember that a local Viper owner has actually raced anyone!

For all those thinking that Marcus’s ego took a huge hit after the race consider this: If he really had a “big bad domestic” ego, he wouldn’t have shown up to race a Civic in the first place.


THIS IS TRUE, but it was cool to some honda’s around pull the viper!

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:468,topic:29791"”]

Sorry man, But J&J Speed Shop has more credibility than you.




maybe in 5 yrs when hes done with his car woop woop


yeah 5 years :bloated: . It will be a nice race :wink: Just got to get my new gears installed

do people on this forum think that vipers are suppose to be the fastest car built… maybe if a civic beat up on a maclaren f1 then yea props. but its just a viper

so who won

didn’t read the thread eh? it was a tie… they both broke off the launch

i heard they both hit ludicrus speed and disapeared into a worm hole. :snky: we still havent found sario.

Vid is up :tup:

Check first post.

nice kill / tie whichever

:tdown: to all the un-needed drama that took place

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:468,topic:29791"”]

Sorry man, But J&J Speed Shop has more credibility than you.


:confused: was this suppose to be a dig or compliment?