Go fuck yourself too… MY CAR IS STOLEN-GONE-GOODBYE. WHEN I GET MY INSURANCE MONEY ILL DO ANOTHER CAR. for now I got a cool dad who lets me drive around in one that I DID PUT MONEY INTO- but you dont know that you stupid fuck- maybe its cause you dont read what people say as I explained in a post 45million pages ago.
YOU don’t know about me you piece of shit. Fuck off with your violin story about how you did everything for yourself. GREAT- I COMMEND PPL LIKE YOU. YOU CAN EVEN LOOK BACK IN THE PAGES YOU STUPID FUCK ABOUT HOW I COULDNT DO IT ON MY OWN and HOW I DONT KNOW HOW TO BUILD 800hp cars. So I have a family that sorta kinda well off…POOR YOU. ITS NOT LIKE I DONT CONTRIBUTE MY END. Hows this I took out a LOAN, YES a loan, in my name to help pay for mods along with the money I SAVED FOR TWO YEARS.
I am judging you cuz you your playing Mr. tough guy with me and MY DADDYS CAR- so bring it. If I had my car back Id whoop your little ford ass all over the streets and shoot a load on your front hood out my exhaust.
And on a side note- come talk shit to my face and will see what a little rich bitch I am. Don’t get me confused for some little punk you fuck. Ill knock your ass out and I’m not afraid to fight-EVER.