Callout: Mindless or any 11sec or better cars. :-)

No appreciation at all, mine is the best

Lets think about this then…You know what maybe your right. I think Choda said that, all you Ford guys get me confused.

However, If you never said it would be a good race well then it shows how big your balls are by calling out a slower car (if you really think your ride is that fast)- when my offer was strictly to Hector (Del sol guy) who created this thread for calling out 11 sec cars Then you come on like the tough guy by calling me out lol

But here I am saying ill take your bet JUST to see how “Fast” you are- I dont think the vette is “fast”. If you beat me great- I really dont care. I just want to see by how much that makes you so confident, because if it isnt much well then I wouldnt consider your car “fast” either like some of these nut swingers are making it sound. You said you’d do a roll race with me? I know you said it, so dont make go look for that one lol, but lets do both

So…we have a race?

And I wont add anything…blowing a grand just to beat you isnt worth it to me. Ill take my chances on the Z the way it is at this moment. Feel free to search the car if you wanna do this

Little do you know I came from your god for saken area. The pride and joy of Buffalo. Its the greatest place on earth.

sunday sunday sunday!!! hopefully i can have some mileage on zee clutch before then. should i be bringing one or two bottles?


well if your gonna quote billy madison…


It doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winnings winning.

^What happened

The residents of Greece (or thereabouts) found this thread…

are you a moron? i called him out. lol.

i ran 10.9 my second time ever going down the track with that setup. in goodyears. on low boost. with no tread. holy christ. i didnt go to the track all the time like your lover. BREAKDOWNS. LOOK IT UP :wink: get off my balls…

if the track is cool with me, i wont be racing him on my FIRST freakin outing :banghead:. it wont be on street tires :banghead: it wont be with the cutout closed :banghead: it won’t be running out of gear :banghead:

so anyways… why dont you let emery speak for himself. im sick of listening to all his cronies

I hate rich bitch whiney little fucks like you. Your Daddy bought a car and let you drive it and all of the sudden your the shit. And you wanna down me if my car isn’t up to your standard of “Fast”.

My car is the way it is because of me. I paid for everything myself and did most of the work myself. It was a pile of shit sitting on some guys lawn for 13 years before I got it. What sense of accomplishment do you get out of driving Daddys car?

Fuck you, You ignorant little fuck. Who the fuck do you think you are? Your gonna set the basis of how fast my car is, on a car that YOUR FATHER bought with 505 horse from the factory. My car came with 225 horse from the factory 20 YEARS AGO. If I beat you by a fuckin foot, I’d have to say that’s a pretty good accomplishment, considering I started with 280 horse less from the get-go. But trust me asshole regardless of what you keep hearing, I can assure you I got more than 505 horse TO THE WHEELS.

You know what the best part about this whole thing is Richie Bitch? Win or lose I get to take MY CAR home and put MY CAR in my garage. Have fun handing back over the keys.

Go fuck yourself too… MY CAR IS STOLEN-GONE-GOODBYE. WHEN I GET MY INSURANCE MONEY ILL DO ANOTHER CAR. for now I got a cool dad who lets me drive around in one that I DID PUT MONEY INTO- but you dont know that you stupid fuck- maybe its cause you dont read what people say as I explained in a post 45million pages ago.

YOU don’t know about me you piece of shit. Fuck off with your violin story about how you did everything for yourself. GREAT- I COMMEND PPL LIKE YOU. YOU CAN EVEN LOOK BACK IN THE PAGES YOU STUPID FUCK ABOUT HOW I COULDNT DO IT ON MY OWN and HOW I DONT KNOW HOW TO BUILD 800hp cars. So I have a family that sorta kinda well off…POOR YOU. ITS NOT LIKE I DONT CONTRIBUTE MY END. Hows this I took out a LOAN, YES a loan, in my name to help pay for mods along with the money I SAVED FOR TWO YEARS.

I am judging you cuz you your playing Mr. tough guy with me and MY DADDYS CAR- so bring it. If I had my car back Id whoop your little ford ass all over the streets and shoot a load on your front hood out my exhaust.

And on a side note- come talk shit to my face and will see what a little rich bitch I am. Don’t get me confused for some little punk you fuck. Ill knock your ass out and I’m not afraid to fight-EVER.

mike I think you just bit off more than you can chew… I don’t know Jesse but I did meet him once a very long time ago, and you were pretty much lucky he was staying out of this for the most part.

bad pick.


Come talk shit to your face? You got me mixed up with somebody else little guy. You have no Idea what you got yourself into now. Now your gonna be known as the triple crown loser. Your Daddys car is gonna lose…from a roll…and from a dig… And your gonna get your motherfuckin ass kicked all the way back to Rochester. Your mine now…

Just bring your shit!

Your right I don’t know you from adam but when people call me all the fuckin names you have well then there comes a time when I don’t care if King Fuckin Kong is in front of me. I’ll do what I have to do. Respect is respect if you know what I mean.

W3RD to that shit

mike…cut the shit.i dont want any of these guys thinking when they come to roc there will be a problem cause there wont. that i promise. guys ignore him. please. were all just people i to the same thing. its hard enough to find people to street race as it is.

o m g.

lol. this i HAVE to see. evomike save yourself. STOP TALKING lol

Hey thats all I wanted to do was race, but he just keeps slingin names and after a while you know.

You want to get back to talking about setting up some races I’m in.