Callout: Mindless or any 11sec or better cars. :-)

Yes you are dumb. It was nice not knowing you. But I will send flowers to your hospital room. LOL

When this is all said and done. What ever it is. What ever happens. Its going to be a funny thread to just laugh at.

please folks… take good vids :wink: of everything lol


ugh seriously evomike. u have no idea what you just got yourself into. id just stop right now.

jesse take a deep breath and log off!! lol

umm ya… like they said already that was probly the worst thing you could have done, alot of people sit behind a keyboard and type tough, jesse is NOT one of those people, you should have just kept it ‘racing’ and not personal, now you have a whole nother problem, good luck. Oh and king kong won’t be in front of you, jesse already put him in the hospital too.

Like I said I tried to keep it to racing. He is the one that started slinging shit at me and kept on dealing it out, over and over. I don’t sit behind a keybord and try and type tuff but after a while you get sick of the name calling. Hey maybe he’s a fuckin monster and he’ll kick my ass. I’ve lost fights before but I’m not some little pussy that will just take someones shit without sending it right back especially when I don’t know who he is.

I think everyone is missing something- he got personal with me first. Im just not going to let someone keep bashing me on shit they dont know.

Would you? would anyone?

I’ve got money on the ~muscle~. I’ve seen both the kid and muscle in person. The spoiled kid isnt a fighter like how muscle carries himself. Thats just y Im puttin money on Jesse. Who else is in?

oooooooooohhhhhhhhh boy…wow that just raised the stakes…muscle50 callout part 2 coming your way folks :lol:

so lets see…the thread started out with elmisterio asking mindless for a run…the roc fellas jump in and wanna call some buffalo guys out, apparently we were discussing how tall/how much people weigh :gotme: some more people jump in and stir the pot, evomike and myself go back and forth about god knows what, emery and bill go back and forth, jesse and evomike go back and forth, LZ got “slammed” apparently? what ever the fuck that means? evomike then signs his death certificate by saying that to jesse…and yet, we still dont have a set race “schedule” set up??? im way too confused, hence why i havent posted…fbodymadnezz and psychopjv(pat) have been the coolest so far with actually doing a fun run from what i can see with no other B.S…

wouldnt it be easier to have like a “buf vs roc showdown” at NYI or some shit? rent the track out and have some grudge races to show whose gonna pwn who? that way, theres times, of course the most important MPH “stat” :lol: and a finish line…not to mention people could actually come to watch this shit rather than “standing on the street” and being “unsafe” :lol:

i dont know, maybe im missing something here, but the track sounds like a good idea to me…bc of course with the roc fellas “roll racing is ghey, and doesnt prove whose faster” soooo rent the track?

because buffalo cant go from a roll at the track :lolham:

today is d-day. and i know what going to happen, civic shows up. races a few cars from a roll. no one else shows up. it will be a night vid so it will suck and all roll race vids are gay so it wont tell u shit about the cars he raced. then next week buf might come out. win half loose half and were still back to where we started. hmmm…

UFC volume NYSpeed?

aww really!? i didnt know that!

no shit you cant roll race at the track! i said you guys dont like doing roll races so why not settle it at the track from a dig? and if someone still isnt satisfied with their “efforts” at the track then do a roll race? my honest opinion here, a dig race challenges the driver, a roll race challenges the car (more power/less weight = faster car) <—laws of physics

last time i checked we werent saying whose a better driver, we were wondering who has the faster car…fuck i could call my uncle whose raced 20 years professionally at the track and have him pilot turbo_ls1’s car and fucking pwn everyone…a roll race takes SOME skill (i.e mis-shifting) and yes a dig race takes a lot more skill (launching and no mis-shifting) so why dont we see who has a FASTER car on the street from a roll, and from a dig at the track…someone could destroy everything in sight on the street and suck giant dick at racing at the track if they dont have the seat time, correct setup etc etc etc…


I just got home, im dead tired, pissed i wasted $20 bucks at ricefest yesterday, walk past my computer, Nyspeed is still up, hit refresh button just for the hell of it, I now have a new quote… this is the thread that just keeps on giving

lol… Jesse… you’re currently viewing. I sent that PM before I read this. You’re on the list now. :lol:

So is turboLS1, Firehawk, Muscle50, and all the other buffalo guys coming up still? No one better back out know (like every year), I am pretty sure Rochester is ready, and the weather looks like it should hold.

i believe its already stated we are going up the 22nd. Even the rochacha acknowledged Father’s Day. We are def coming next week. I’m ready clutch should be broken in by then and my bottles will be full.

EDIT: by the way where the eff are we meeting up for this buttsechs?


I should be in the mid 11’s is that outta this league?

^ apparently the Zo6 is mid 11’s (11.7 to be exact) but that was on “bald tires” :lol:

well maybe ill cruise up there then but not getting into a fight. Ill prolly burn my clutch out and kick my own ass all the way home

OH ok, that works :slight_smile: