Callout: Mindless or any 11sec or better cars. :-)

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. this is gonna be fun.

That was when it was stock at the end of the season after all the tread was worn out- Oh that was the day you suposively saw me with my dad “talking shit” about everyones carsssss- so you should APPARENTLY know what I did, right?

Yawnnnnn this is getting boring. Everyone just come the 22nd and w/e happens, happens. We did acknowlegde fathers day and thats cool. I want to spend time with my dad as well and show my appreciation for what he has done. Although I think I still may cruise around tonite- Im not sure tho.

ok again, you werent talking to your dad, you were talking to yourself, your dad happend to be standing about 4 feet from you…you were standing there BY YOURSELF, TALKING TO YOURSELF but thats besides the point…like i said, i dont sweat peoples cars that much esp. a STOCK Zo6 so i didnt give 2 flying fucks what you ran in the car, and the reason i put the :lol: in there is because everyone uses that excuse for running “slower times” jesus h. christ you really do have some sort of complex about people poking fun at you or saying something that was never meant to be “mean”…i can see you sitting there getting all fired up and talking to yourself and flipping the fuck out…calm the fuck down dude, your “hot headed-ness” got you fucked already with jesse…calm down, take a deep breath, and unless someone says “evomike your a fucking fagget ass bitch blah blah blah blah blah” dont take offense to it, there was no malicious intent on my part…i just like how people use the bald tire “excuse”… reason being: i had bald tires on my firebird and ran the best times the cars ever seen…soooo, that is all…carry on…

I wasnt mad dude lol… I dont read what the smilies mean- I just see it laughing so I thought you didnt believe what I said. And you did say on the first post about how I mock peoples cars and that I was talking to my dad. I dont see why Id be talking to myself about other ppl lol, that really doesnt sound like me cause I could give a shit about what they run, as you so very nicely put about your attitude at the track- I guess Im the same way. All I do is watch someone that I may race and thats it and evaluate if I think I can beat them or not.

Trust me Im perfectly calm about everything- honestly I think this is fun. The car scene is seriously a small part of my life. Especially after my Evo was stolen and essentially the race season was lost in my eyes. I wasnt just planing on racing locally or on the streets around here- but legit events all over the U.S. that I planned to attend with being sponsored by AMS with the new set-up

cant u guys just ignore him??? all of roc is rite now:fail:

back to racing we will have alot of cars together tnite and ready to race if anyone does show up.


carry on…soooo next weekend it is then correct?

here…watch a good street race to get back on track!!!

as far as i know the del sol kid is coming tnite.

we will take his $ tnite and then all of yours next week lol jk

gotta have some humor in this thread.:lolham:

That camaro and stang were freakin movin. Nice post to change it up.

Now why cant we take 2 minutes to setup a race on the street like in the vid lol.

Kidding obviously


sadly…i agree:sword:

ok so the word is that no one from buf is coming this week. so next week will be the day. hope it doesnt rain.

and i wish all of you that didnt pull out a happy fathers day!

:tup: cant you guy wait till beginning of july?

matt i see your viewing, you wont put plates on your car…

we gotta race for chucky!

lol the big block beast?!?!?!?! i love that friggin car. here’s howour race is gonna go shawn. i drive your camaro on the bottle and you drive mine on the bottle. HEHE. :thankyou:

ok, but if you break my…well johnnys 10 bolt, I get your dana. its only fair.

and if i break anything of yours…you can have my cam and headers :stuck_out_tongue:


why would u want a dana 8===D

If it was worth it I would…believe me. Ive spent many hours reading the posts and just keep laughing about how out of hand it got. The original post stated he wanted to race some cars to gauge his car, no drama etc. Seemed legit, and then everyone had to throw in their 2 cents.

At this point it looks like we could have a decent turnout and have some races with different cars, but everyone wants to beat the shit out of each other rather than racing, so Im thinking maybe 2 cars from Buf come, have some races and go home and really nothing gets accomplished.

I think its been a few years since the buffalo guys have been to Rochester, I remember meeting Bill when he had the STS and Firehawk was on a D1. I remember them coming with Muscle50 and they were all pretty cool. Its too bad this thread got completly out of hand and we probably wont see any of the faster cars from Buf come out. :gotme: