Callout: Mindless or any 11sec or better cars. :-)

we have a new one started :gotme: all the cool kids are there… this is dumb

lol not to drill my own friend but he will have to ask dad 1st to get permission to add nitrous and i know its a no. but if u did race him he wont cry. hes got the $ to loose. take it as an easy free $.

Emery has to ask his gf to race the car?
Evomike has to ask his dad about using nitrous?

Rochester ftw

^^ kinda funny if you think about it

I didnt call him out I was responding to him- I just said “TurboLS1” ill race the mustang and the sol- maybe the wording was confusing.

Im not whining- Im just saying your the one who wanted to take my bet. And Im not going to repeat what a smart racer is going to think…so obviously Im going to skeptical. First you tell me it would be a good race now your telling me Id lose lol…who doesnt trust who.

But like I said, ILL STILL RACE YOU FOR MONEY just to see how fast you are.

Im sorry my car was stolen…I think my sig says the deal with the Z. The sad thing is I drive it more then him. Your cool for stating the obvious lol. And the STM Evo is paid for by both seeing that both of them are co-owners of streettuned and partners in everything in life- think of them as a married couple with out the title and maybe ull get it.

Hahaha yeah the answer probably would be a no- but ya never know- I got a cool daddy hhahahahha





Are you bitter cause you dont have a car, or even one you can borrow?? :mamoru:



YOU GOT SLAMMED ??? :zong:




Thats way to hard for any of these small minded people to understand. If its not written down on paper or a legal document its not good enough.

Part 2 from the New product realse @ STM thread

TurboLS1- I really dont know you and dont care to get into with you, but instead of playing the back and forth games, why dont you just take his offer? Why do you have to keep saying I ran 140’s 2 years ago or you cant handle my ride in 08 let alone my traps in 06… just man up and say I accept.
And one other thing Id like to add about traps- my car was in the 140’s all last year but I could only get low 10s- so even though I had traps to indicate a 9sec car I didnt run a 9 second pass. Your car seems very fast but you still only ran a 10.9. It sucks cause your trap shows you can do much better; however when you talk the way you do about how fast your car is and your speculation about what it can do, it discredits all those who have run fast times because as you can plainly see it isnt easy to get a car down the track the way you want. so your in away saying how easy it is to run 9s or even 10s when for most it isnt. JMO



Nah next Im going to make up a rap song if they still dont get it

Now I need you to re-read this whole thread and find MY POST where I SAID you would be a good race for me…

Go on…

No it’s okay, I’ll wait…

I’m getting a little impatient now…

Okay, what the fuck is taking so long??? Oh thats right I never said that.

buflife. i think i can make a soap opera out of this.

put up or shut up. Im sure it would take all of 2 seconds to get on your cellular telephone and call the person you are calling out rather than going through 26 pages of this bullshit that makes me want to jump off a cliff.

you can even make a pre-race post of the call out to show that you are an e thug, and then post away about the drama after. usually drama is posted about shit that has happened, this has been an argument over absolutely nothing. agree on a time and place and end this bull shit.

what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.

Says the man with such a piece of shit car. I really don’t understand where you get off saying something like this, when you have proven nothing other than sucking STM’s dick.

you are doing nothing but making yourself look like a tool.

A.) that was my car and is not a POS car.

B.) do you even know what a galant is capable of? or what a gvr4 is?

C.) you have no other comebacks other than ragging on someones car?

Oh it was your car!! Well its clearly not a POS then

Yes and Yes thx

So what you are saying is that I should have said he is a cum dumpster that came out of a ghetto slut from the intercity of Rochester? All of which may or may not be true. I like to stick to the facts. and the fact is … his car sucks. (your old one too) <3 front end damage

guess your head is so far stuck up your own ass that you have no appreciation for other cars. congrats.

OMG a dented fender and hood. what is he going to do? i think he better take it to the scrap yard because its such a POS. get a life.