Callout: Mindless or any 11sec or better cars. :-)

dont worry im in, i dont give a shit if i win or lose. i may have a mens league game but ill be out before its too late, plus if i lose ill blame it on the extra weight of my equipment :lol::smiley:

:rofl: @ emery all of a sudden down and jessy ready to kill some kid, this better be some sick video!

Looks like most of the faster cars from Rochester are down…but that only means the Rochester cars will have to make a trip to buffalo later in the summer I guess. Hopefully you guys still come, I tried rounding up a few more cars.

omg. there comes a time when you go to far and push too many buttons with certain people. IMO that was 10 pages back. You keep antagonizing him, quoting him and just asking for it, i hope your willing to stand up the way you talk in this thread. Jesse is one of the coolest straight up honest kids i know but he doesnt play internet games, and i hope for your sake your not doing & saying all this just for comic relief because you don’t know whats comming to you. Just saying, your in deep enough as it is, i wouldnt keep going but i’m not you i guess. have fun :tup:

LOL @ page 37… maybe we’ll hit 40 today

PS. still waiting on pics of this swapped 3rd gen :slight_smile:

i talked to adam with the turbo goat. he is down for some rolls.
if brandons clutch is done, he still needs to put 500 miles on it and
his rear tires are down to cords. so i doubt he can race anyone,
even thou he is one of our top guys.
too bad crazy dave didnt break his tranny agian. his car is sick to.

not being funny…what is the reason you are so against digs on the street ?

digs in the street? i have a list:

#1. i feel very vulnerable for getting in some 5.0 trouble, and this fear is multiplied by the fact that i dont know WHERE THE FUCK i am************* this is the main reason
-i don’t want to drive 1hr out of my way and load up my car like that, stressing stuff, i want to drive my car home that night into my garage

other than that, i haven’t even launched my car yet, not at the track not at the street. i’m not about to race slicked or awd cars on the street in their territory. thats completely lopsided. it is way beyond skill when it comes to that extreme.

my question is, in the same respect, what do you have against going at the track? fair race, tree, prepped, no popo, etc??

track tech, will you even get buy making some test 1/8 runs before someone comes over to check your car?
Opening weekend they were doing full tech, but after that havnt had anything asked, but Im slow and they know me.

william and mike are interweb lovers HAHAHA

me? fuck no lol. im waiting to see if he even shows up…if this goes down. he talked himself into a hole

well im in the same boat. but i guess we shall see. my position stands though, i wont do street digs so don’t waste your breath

I’m telling you Rochester doesn’t count racing at the track and beating someone as actually winning…

We heard this all night at the track from cry baby studderin :frowning:

i never said i have anything against running at the track?
i am so down if you want to do that.

i was only asking why you were against digs on the street. thats it.
i just wondered. you are right…you are on unfamiliar roads etc.
but in a roll race you would be starting at the speed limit and running
way above and beyond it and you still dont know where the cops are lurking. in a dig thr race starts at 0 and usually one car is way ahead

anyways i was only asking.
i will race you from a dig, a roll, at the track or on the street.
cant wait to see your car.

I don’t see why this needs a massive debate…

It’s his choice and it is what it is…not amount of posting back and forth is going to change that.

see you are talking shit again.
you are saying rochester as a group every time you talk shit.

that would be like us saying all of buffalo got slammed !!
they did not. only you did. so shut the fuck up with the rochester shit.

I forgot the pride you have for your city :frowning:

And that whole getting “slammed” thing was someone pushing me and nothing happening while I was drinking a coffee 5-6 years ago…

it was more like a hood ride timmy. haha

There wasn’t even cars involved :lol:

sorry those last two post i made…was stilled signed in as my brother.

no its not the pride for my city
all i am saying is you keep saying rochester this and rochester that.
ive never met you and niether have most of us. so stop saying it as a group. i see why you got slammed or pushed. you dont even have a car to race with so why are you even posting in here. the only posts you have even made in this whole thread have been shit talking and worthless to an actual without a car and with your bullshit i bet you dont even come. so stop posting.

p.s. i got $100 for anyone that brings lz sunday

If someone wants to drive I will go…I don’t care…

OMG I SOLD MY CAR 4 MONTHS AGO WHEN I MOVED…Now that I am back I am looking for a new car on LS1tech and a few other places.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Best post in this thread!!!