Callout: Mindless or any 11sec or better cars. :-)

I’m down for this if somebody has room shotty pm me…

<3 squared

<3 cubed

You have 30k invested in a fox body? dayyyyyum :eek:

Twostoke? I bet shawn will be in.


shawn better be damnit!!! he’s the reason i’m going. we always have our little battles. i’m down for a dig too if i break fuck it.

awesome custom title pat… anybody driving with you?

prob… quality parts aren’t cheap every one knows that…

think if you went out looking for a 30k fox all built… you could have the sickest thing ever

[FONT=Calibri]I’m not going to get into the same old shittin debate with you about my dad’s car and how I don’t build my own cars and how I ride on my parents coat tails and I’m a spoiled brat etc etc.

Your dad has money and 3 Vettes God bless him he probably worked hard for what he has and I intend to do the same. I just got out of 4 years of collage and I have a good job I’ll be starting soon. I will pay my way through life and I know that and that’s all that counts but I don’t really have to explain that to you now do I?

You already have my answer just bring your car and we will run! I win you pay. You win I pay.

I have to ask you a question though. In that video a few pages back with you talking shit and yelling at that kid with his head bowed down like some girlie boy that was afraid of you. Was that real or just a staged joke?

Reason I ask is a lot of guys around here where laughing there asses off at that Video and how stupid you looked and talked with that smart ass attitude and the way you where in that kids face talking shit. It Looked kind of animated, staged, very over the top.

Please tell us that wasn’t real……We are all ears.[/FONT]

i don’t think so hot ass. you can come. as long as i don’t blow up my tranny prior to sunday.

xo… ill give you a ring… if you do blow it up, we can take the 10r :slight_smile:

yes!! nuthugging ftw

You Just got out of COLLAGE? Wow, a four year degree and you can’t spell a simple word like COLLEGE. You really are just a fuckin moron , here I’m thinking that was just an act.

And don’t you worry you little bitch, your gonna see just how real I am soon enough. I don’t even wanna race you anymore, I just wanna fuck you up.


A+ would read again.

afraid? :wink:

bring the car to the track and a roll… we’ll see whats up

:cjerk: just wait and see :tantrum:

lol so true :ohnoes:

damnnn pg37
trying hard to get brandons car together, shotting for putting the drivetrain back in sat morning. I’ll be out too, pat you coming. Any other NA LS1s?