Callout: Mindless or any 11sec or better cars. :-)

that was one of MTVs few good shows.

celebrity death match

It was late and I hit the wrong button- big deal.

Ok-all Ive done this entire thread is answer you back: everytime-everyones right about that. BUT YOU called me out with your car. YOU started the slinging with the names. YOU provoked every argument on this thread. Im just not going to roll over and take your shit like that kid in the flick if that was real or not. If that pisses you off then so be it.

I told you to bring your car pages back and if you want to back out then fine

hahaha! THAT would be the best thing to bet on all night.

LOL oh man, if I were Sherm(LZ) I wouldn’t come to Rochester. Between you and Todd I can’t think of two other people I’d rather not meet under angry circumstances.

and im assuming thats why evomike feels safe running his mouth…bodyguards. i think the big guys should let their little guys at least get a mouthful… so the rest of us can at least get a laugh in see some reactions


So basically your saying I might get assaulted if I come to Rochester? :lol:

Honestly its pretty dumb to make threats on a public internet forum and then act on them if your over 18…but hey not my life, career, money, time…




i wake up and there is 3 more pages :bigclap:

… Bill goes from a dig on the street after all???

JT man, killer :slight_smile:

staged!!! lol jk

I had no idea that “flick” was being taped, so take it for what it’s worth. But a word to the wise: That kid started his shit-talking over the internet too… See what happens when internet life carries over to real life.

yea that was like 3-4 years ago. i did a couple that year with the ass turbo. it was dumb on my part. never again

Prob the greatest video ever of anythign… just throwing that out there

damnit william why you gotta ruin it.


i completely misread that

shit mybad :frowning: i thought you were throwing me under the bus haha

who said that. i was lookin for some alone time with you.
some spooning, some cuddling, and maybe a walk on the pier with ice cream.

shit if he doesnt take that offer i will lol

Sweet deal…


I have these sitting in my storage right now someone come put my car together for me. Then tell my gf that we dont need to go to the ocean this weekend because that shits fucking gay. I JUST WANT TO WORK ON MY CAR!!!

LZ the “cop caller” …nice.
so lz’rs bodyguards are the cops.
wow what a bitch. what a little gay bitch.
2stroke warned me about you.