Callout: Mindless or any 11sec or better cars. :-)


Not exactly…

I have a career…security clearance…and a number of other things preventing me from being involved in things like this including illegal street racing :frowning:

then why are you posting on here hunny… ?

thats sad cause i took you for a real bad ass. i bet u rent movies and dont rewind them dontcha. oh and i bet u jay walk aslo. king bad ass award should of been yours.

I enjoy mocking idiots??

lol im suprized he didnt ask if lz likes rubber duckies

Don’t rewind?

How old are you?

First I have looked at this in a while (Been in the shop glueing things together)! Everyone still coming out? Our car is done…


baby … no name calling.
thats trashy for a woman to call people names.



shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt !!!

lmao …

ya im pretty nervous now… if only you could see my face…

just so everyone knows…
LZr… could not keep her mouth shut.
so she is officially now my … “BITCH” .

so being that i will love and protect her always…
if someone wants that $100 to bring her, then please
please keep her buckled for safety on the way here !!!

see your face …
or your tail lights ??

my boots…my feet are shaking

im still waiting for my ride bill, screw mike… ken and i are next in line

every rochester post needs a punch in the face.


what LZ said he was gona call the cops on you guys too?
what a faggot

waaaa waaaaaaaaa

edit “her” hahahaha