callout newman 240


so whats the outcome? newman wont race me huh? scared?



i wish only the most painful, horrible death upon you, like, super gluing 2 bibles to your body and dropping you off naked in downtown Syria.

You are a disgrace to fucking humanity you worthless fuckstick


fuck off


Oh I forgot this was his

I know it is not a base model.SS Supercharged.Still stock though.

I’ve seen a guy driving an ION redline dark blue in color driving in West Seneca.I really want to run his car because the last couple times he saw me he just drops a gear speeds past me and I never get a chance to race him.


same here, talked to him at a red light once too. super nice guy. car is quick.

and fuck you all who keep talkign shit newman said it would be close so i called him out if someone else with a camaro did the same yous wouldnt say shit so fuck yous and newman if you want to race you know how to get in touch


and fuck you all who keep talkign shit newman said it would be close so i called him out if someone else with a camaro did the same yous wouldnt say shit so fuck yous and newman if you want to race you know how to get in touch


shut up

  1. he was fucking around with you
  2. your camaro is slow
  3. you dont take hints “well”

shut up



fuck off


die in a horrible firey car crash you ignorant fuck

[quote=ImportMuscle;717029]die in a horrible firey car crash you ignorant fuck[/quo
go die in a horribly firey gay mini truck crash with lil fagget people all around

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:85,topic:37531"”]

shut up

  1. he was fucking around with you
  2. your camaro is slow
  3. you dont take hints “well”

shut up



go get some of daddys money and fix your car so we can all be entertained by some more sick videos

i think my threads get the most attention yous must all want to be my friend huh?


yous must all want to be my friend huh?


Something like that.

No we all fucking hate you…your family…

The slow cars you and your family own…

We would feel much better if you never posted here again…


No we all fucking hate you…your family…

The slow cars you and your family own…

We would feel much better if you never posted here again…


ROFL… sherm FTW!!


ROFL… sherm FTW!!



:shoot: speedped gets a big :picard:

im sorry but this must be the best thing ever, besides i never met newman but i think hes a cool guy, except…
… the time i used “3 inch mailbox stickers to write drifter across my windshield” that made me a little mad but hey i got over it.

so suck it up buddy and let things pass.

and no newman i dont hate you because you said that.

haha. trust me, it’s never personal.

you know… just bored.



haha. trust me, it’s never personal.

you know… just bored.



btw your up at hybrid alot you or don or gary got any decent drivable cars for sale up there?


btw your up at hybrid alot you or don or gary got any decent drivable cars for sale up there?


i think the elise is up for sale. 28,100 right?



i think the elise is up for sale. 28,100 right?



lol yea i wish but i cant pull 28-29 thousand outta my ass. but thanks for the info.


btw your up at hybrid alot you or don or gary got any decent drivable cars for sale up there?


my 240sx

and it’s turbo w/ fresh paint