Callout - Tonight- Now - ANYONE!!!

Very nice, must be a blast. I’ve never been in a 125+ trapping car. Couldn’t imagine it.

ieatpaint u bringin the bike out for a quick pull and a BBQ beef

txt jack 901 1081

Not this week, choko’s painting it for me. He’d hafta be trappin 145 for me, unless you’re talkin about your car :wink: Maybe in a week or two when he’s all done with it.

k losers, I’m taking my pants back off and going back to slapping around the wife.

I put down my beer for this?

i just texted you. lets do dis

ugh when i get front tires without chords hangin out we can try this(hoping in the next couple days). I’ll be n/a and i’m down to do whatever speed/dig you want.

GOING TO MIGHTY IN 30 - 35 min

be there

I went to subway?

I want videos… stat!

in for results

vids will be up tonight. :noes:

In this thread?!?!?!?

Who did you run? Stang on Stang or some Nazi sled action :bukkake:

Need more info!

stang vs pimp amg
stang vs super clean procharged stang
stang vs ?600? bike

Don’t know if the bike owner is on here… but I hope he knows he was playing in the wrong gear :wink:

I think I may have “surprised” him a little… either with the speed or the sound. Apparently my car is loud or something. :slight_smile:

Thread needs moar vids.


donde esta la videos!

lol, estan los