
yay will be looking forward to it heh!

lol he’s going to roast you! that was freakin awsome…

Id say over all there was a good showing of the faster imports on the site. everytime i came back from a pull there was a people who left and people who came so it was hard to keep track haha

ill let eclipseblur take over for the stories since he was the camera man and the fastest of the night i beleive haha

well…your car barely pulls me larry…only when you can make it into third…and the 9 MR race and myself…didn’t come out so well lol…I would say he pulled REALLY hard to at LEAST 5 cars ahead if not more…where as the race with wicked was quite closer…I’d say he’s about 1/2 car quicker from the roll than I am. Good turnout…perhaps some spray is in order…

all of this and nothing went down yet?

haha I’m just busting your chops chris… weve never actually gotten a good run in since you upgraded. though hopefully ill have my own upgrades in soon :smiley:

everything went down lol

05OrangeSS. i thought i was more ahead of u then half a car. i thought it was about a car maybe alittle more. i know ur headlights were alittle behind my back bumper

When I cruised by looked like a bunch of slow cars…jk

any vids?

not too sure on distance between the STI and myself…all I know is that I lost…which means time for smaller pulley and bigger injectors…again…


I wanna race!!


its was about a little more then a car length by the time you guys shut down.

HP Tuners Software baby!! 440cc/min injectors won’t cut it. Geez… the SRT-4 Stage 2 comes with 670cc/min injectors. Chris… i’ll definately have to get Tom to come out with his SRT-4 a play a little bit… OH BOY!!

you cant go… apparenlty a stock evo mr is pretty much the fastest import on the site :slight_smile:
you would be like a zero denominator… you would be putting the fabric of time and space at risk. :slight_smile:


Id bet money on the MR > Zer0daze’s hatch

your right, my 9-3 is slow

well, the red one that other people just drive

i’ll put a doughnut and a cup of joe on it

that it beats the mr? You’re on

i like my coffee black, and i dig apple fritters