


want to meet up at mighty then? give me a time

I got boost, and want to romp all over you. :rofl:

so did you have a chance to run anyone yet?

looks like tonight he’ll get that chance… :tup:

PM me a time you want to be at mighty. let me know

Im gonna say meet up at the “universal” mighty at about 7:30 or so…we can shoot the shit and figure out where to go from there…

can u make it alittle later? i still have to drive back from roch for the weekend and move some stuff home… i was thinking more like 930 when the suns down? less traffic too

9:30 on a friday night…and you think there’s not gonna be traffic? all the kids are just about home from school now, it’s gonna be traffic whereever you go, sorry to tell ya…

i’ve always been a promoter of the past midnight cruises…that way at least you know all the old people are off the road, ya know…the ones that might blow you in or pull out in front of you at 20mph…

true true… but sun down is key also. i know the earliest i can make it 930. call my cell because i am leaving roch now and wont beable to check my posts

meet 9 30 shoot the shit 4 a hour or so. i have to go make a appearance at a bon fire then ill come shoot the shit

whats going on 4 tonight

damn just race already

Chris… I’ll run u foo!! hahahaha I’ll be your 2005 SS with my 2005 SS. Black SS owns you… lol jk

I wanna run someone! I never get to, I never see anyone when Im driving, and I drive A LOT. I’ll run your SS cobalt sometime, I wanna check that thing out anyways. I just got my car back after 2 weeks without it, i’ve been driving a p.o.s. hundie, got in my car and expected to be blow away…NO, I forgot the body shop disconnected my battery!! I was hitting low boost and my advance multiplier and timing was F’ed, cleared up in 15 min. though, now its rippin, lol. I did have quite an amazing race with a few cars one night, one of them being a modded SS…maybe ill write up the whole ordeal in the kills section.

good runs tonight guys… :tup: to the 2006 wrx that suprised me :smiley: :tup: to some good fast pulls as well

Woo fun night! we need to get that video up heh!

Me and wickedcivy are about even and still greater then chris :rofl:
We’ll have to run again, crappy first run (i hate having to horn off) and the second was really hard to tell and im the only one on camera that time lol.

EclipseBlur is fast as hell. I want a rematch soon :D:pimp:

How many peeps showed?

vids and full story for all the pulls will be up tomorrow - late afternoon/early eveningish.

taking a while to get the vids up