
Nice N/A runs guys :tup:


Yeah, I managed to get a 7.52 @ 97 mph on my last run. I hate my tires


See if you had an autotragic in the car you probably would of ran a low 7 :wink: But stick is alot of fun :cool: How were your 60ft times?


Nice N/A runs guys :tup:

See if you had an autotragic in the car you probably would of ran a low 7 :wink: But stick is alot of fun :cool: How were your 60ft times?


I don’t even know how to drive automatic. My 60 ft was garbage too, 1.7’s pretty much all day. I 'd get it outta the hole pretty good, then I put it to the floor and the tires would break loose, short shift into second, and spin some more. I heated them up pretty good towards then end, but it still broke loose. I need slicks.

If that car(muscle) ever hooks up…geeze it would be sick sick. Runs damn good now, but the way it was slipping all over was nuts

Hundreds of pics of from sunday. HYBOOST, there is an INSANE pic of you doing a burnout on the first page, you should buy an 8x10 glossy from him.

Sick they got a picture of my car.


time for drag shocks :slight_smile:

and wow at the pics of chokos launchs

^^^oh oh oohh, nope no air under the tire.

My friend’s car hooked pretty good I see. Damn, maybe I would have got some traction.:bloated:

muscle50 good mph. the rest of you meh lol sorry


Hundreds of pics of from sunday. HYBOOST, there is an INSANE pic of you doing a burnout on the first page, you should buy an 8x10 glossy from him.


For some reason I cant get on his site, I get to the page where you choose yes / no, I pick yes and the yes / no page just keeps reloading? I send Dan an e mail, hope he can figure out whats up.
If not I’ll have someone buy it & I’ll pay them.


Hundreds of pics of from sunday. HYBOOST, there is an INSANE pic of you doing a burnout on the first page, you should buy an 8x10 glossy from him.

