Camber Tires

it’s an interesting idea… I’d love to see a long term review.

If you feel like reading about all the claims and skepticism check his out

^^thanks for the link, pretty in depth, but mostly just all about these guys bitching about how to regulate tires in their autox st / stock class, etc.

they also brought up the directionality of mounting…why the slant isn’t the other way around.

either way, no one still has answered the straightline scrubbing of the cone shape. i’m thinking that the cambered tire has the toe-in feature ‘built’ in so that’s why you can go 0 toe so essentially with the couple of degrees of camber from the tire you’re getting a slight toe-in condition. this still doesn’t answer how this tires significantly reduces roll resistance though…i guess we’ll have to wait for more data. here’s one test they showed so far:

^^thing is, they never tested the OE advans at their modified -3deg camber settings so pretty sure peak and cornering would be a little higher and accel/brake a little lower. still kind of sketchy.

The first camber tire is a lower treadwear and the other is an R comp, if anything, this test says that they’re not very good.