Camera Question

OK, im a noob to cameras. Im looking for a decent slr camara for recreational photography. I looked at the nikon d40 and d50 but how big can you blow up pictures from that camara? is it worth it? I dont want to spend a fortune. I want a good slr camera that is good enough that if I take a picture i love I can blow it up and frame it. How important are Mp’s when it comes to camaras like these? I want to spend in the 5-600 range. Anybody that has any imput, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you


I think micah gets nice 20X30 prints with his D50…

but the d40 and the d50 have different image sensors. d50 seems to be clearer…

8X10s would be no problem

MP’s aren’t that big of a deal

I had a d40 and loved it, but i never printed anything big enough to frame it.

MP dont mean a thing as long as you have quality lenses. shitty lenses = shitty pictures.
i just picked up a sony A200 and im liking it so far. i got it with a bunch of stuff on ebay for like 700.

Thank u

whats a camara. camaro? camera? cameron?

a nice lens will bring in more light… as it will allow you to shoot with a larger aperture, decreasing the amount of light diffusion.

I think the largest problem is the image sensor. A shitty image sensor will create a grainy photo. most cameras at iso 100 you can’t really see the grain (except for long exposures), when you break into iso 400 and higher thats what really sets the great camera’s apart

the wife has a D40, and while it takes great pictures, she’s gotten a bunch of 11X14 prints, and they’re hit or miss. Up close, some didn’t look too good. 8x10’s usually look pretty nice though. If it were me, I’d be looking at the D60.