Cameras on the 290? *Accident w/pics*

you couldnt be more wrong

when something like this happens, ur insurance company is responsible for going after his and collecting money for you. What usually happens is that their insurance company usually doesnt pay it in full. They usually pay out 60% or so, which leaves ur insurance company to dish out the rest. Since u dont have collision, ur insurance company aint paying out shit. Welcom to NY, its called no fault insurance. get collision or prepare to pay for the damages.

yep. My first accord got totaled when a soccer mom pulled out right in front of me in her cherokee. That accident was clearly her fault, and she was a bitch to the cop who came. Police report ruled it was 100% her fault and I got the full value of the car from their insurance company.

A year prior in my FC RX7, some dumb high school broad ran a stop sign in her parents minivan, and dented my fender. She kept telling the cop it was my fault, no one else saw it, so it was her word vs. mine. I ended up only getting 50% of the damage to my car (I didnt care, I fixed it myself for free, but whatever).

Don’t go assuming that the fault is going to be placed 100% on her just yet. That’s what I thought would happen over the summer when some stupid middle aged broad on her cell phone pulled directly out in front of me and totalled my fucking Z/28. I had liability only, and my insurance company didn’t want to do a god damn thing for me, so her insurance company came back with the accident being 30% my fault. Luckily I got to keep the car, was able to sell it, and still made out alright. I was also injured in that accident though, so it’s a little different than your case. But just saying, don’t assume that just because and accident actually IS HER FAULT, that you won’t be pinned with some of the fault just because you have liability and your insurance company won’t do jack shit for you.

NO, you couldn’t be more wrong.
The insurance company, if the insured is found 100% at fault will have to pay all of the repairs. Only way they would have to pay 60% is if they were found only 60% liable. I have never made a claim to my insurance for a accident that wasn’t my fault. It has happen to me 2 times, and both times I spoke directly with the other persons insurance company and mine never knew a thing about it. And his insurance sent out an adjuster and mailed me a check for 100% of the damages. So if he stands his ground, and it did happen the way he described it. He will win and get 100% of the damages.

The other guy was driving a company truck, and was paranoid about loosing his job. He insisted he needed to leave right away and there was no time for a police report, so he just gave K Cuv his work phone number.

K Cuv, who was on his was to school, thought “Ok, I’ll be a nice guy and just get a hold of him later. No need for a police report.”

Big mistake, but lesson learned.

Now all you guys keep bitching about him not having collision on his car, but everyone forgets how much he bought the thing for and how much the car is worth. He paid LESS that $4k for this car. The high-value (NADA) is only just above $5k.

Why should you keep that in context? Because any decent collision on a unibody car like this one is going to total it. In fact, just nit picking with the things his car will need from this accident, his car should be considered totaled.

Now why would he want to be paying almost twice as much every year in insurance (He’s only 20 years old), and have to dish out at least $500 in a deductible to fix a car that is only worth say $5k?

It makes no sense.

Had he gotten a police report for this accident and the insurance company totaled his car, he could very well take the check and just buy another Z. You can get TwinTurbo Zs for under $5k now. Hell, if he got a check for more than $4k he would be making money.

Even in a situation where say he went off the road and JUST hit the fender and it was totally his fault, small accidents like that can be fixed for less that the price of his deductible plus the extra cost for collision insurance. Lets say the extra cost for collision was $1500 a year (just a guess) and he had a $500 deductible on top of that, the fender would have cost him $2000 to fix out of his pocket - half the price he paid for the car!

So it’s simple. When he got insurance, he weighed the value of the car against the value of the insurance and it wasn’t worth it.

'Cmon Redrum, you should be able to figure that out :slight_smile:

Winter has been lame and it was nice all though December. Dumb reasoning, but too late to go back now.

No. Unless he killed someone, and JoesTypeS’s dad was the DA.

From what I can see in the pics, which isn’t in great detail, I’d say it’ll get fixxed and not totalled. Most every accident I’ve heard of, no person is usually 100% at fault.

I know you’re trying to stick up for your buddy, but come on. The only time you don’t put collision on a car is when you can afford to simply buy another one if you total it.

If full coverage on a Z is that bad at his age, which I imagine it would be, maybe he shouldn’t be driving one at 20. The cost of proper insurance should be included when you’re looking at your car budget. He bought more car than he could really afford, cut corners in other areas to make it fit his budget, and got fucked.

  1. No collision, because it would be too expensive.
  2. Running summer only tires in Buffalo in January, because obviously snows weren’t part of his budget either.

Maybe he was totally not at fault, maybe he was partially at fault, maybe he was 100% at fault. At this point it really doesn’t matter because there is no police report and no witnesses. You’re not going to get any type of accident reconstruction or CSI video enhancement done in an accident with no injuries just because some 20 year old kid is mad his car is wrecked.

i guess your car is no longer more pimp then an fbody

Hahahaha now thats good, i only have liability on my audi and some bitch hit me from behind and pushed me into another car and she was 100% at fault… 4000 dollars done to her grand prix and only 1400 done to the audi. made out like a bandit considering i do bodywork.

exactly what i forsee happening, to some degree. im not saying he wont get nothing, but he will probably see around 60%

The only thing I’m sticking up for is his insurance decision.

The only time?

How about when it would cost more to add collision to the car than what the car is worth?

Did you read my explanation? Maybe, but you sure didn’t comprehend it…

Bought more of a car than he could afford?

Cut corners?

Did you read a anything I wrote?

How did you make those assumptions from what I wrote or from anything he wrote in this thread?

Here let me help you out:

No. How about:

Where did you get “too expensive” from? Seriously. Is there some hidden implication in what I wrote that even I don’t know about?

No. How about he was being a slacker and,

Where does it say anywhere in this thread that he couldn’t budget snow tires? He was procrastinating. No sympathy for that here, but don’t make lame shit up like “Oh he couldn’t afford it.”

I’m in total agreement with you there. In fact, as I put it in my first post:

It’s nothing personal man, but reading comprehension is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I take the time to explain something and you take the time to read it a write a response. So when you make a response, and it’s obvious you didn’t get it the first time around (and come up with stupid shit like he can’t afford a $4k car when you have no clue about his personal finances) expect that I’m going to respond like I just have.

Take what I write literally not liberally.

We’ll I’ve never priced it out for a 300zx, but adding collission on my civic hatch (obviously going to be cheap), and adding it to my Saab were both small percentage increases to the cost of my insurance.

Onyx summed most of it up.

Estimate at Gabe’s Collision - $5080 ( and this was before the car started having trouble with radiator/hose/whatever it is, didnt look into it yet)

adjuster comes today to look at the car - from what i hear, he has the final say pretty much.

Be prepared for it to be totalled. Thats a lot of damage. ($pricewise$)

Insurance companies typically total a car with damages between 55% and 90% of the value of the car, depending on the company.

60% of $5038 is $3022. No too shabby if you ask me, if you end up getting the 60%. I ALWAYS weigh the cost of potential repairs or totalling a car against the cost of collision. I’m 21 (barely) and have never had collision on any vehicle I’ve owned. Has it burned me? Sure. Twice infact. But do i regret the decision? Not at all. I still break even or better by not putting collision on them. You really do have to look at it from that perspective at 20/21 before answering.

I don’t understand how some of you think that putting collision on a $4K car when your 20 years old and in school full time is the best way to go.

Putting collision on my damn Cavalier would have jumped my insurance by over $1000 when I was 20. It isn’t fun.

Unless you are driving a $10K+ car, have money to waste, and crash into shit once a week when your 20, it’s just not worth it.

sucks to see that happen kyle. hopefully everything gets taken care of.

Unless you have money to cover the cost of the car, i dont see why you wouldnt carry collision. I dont know about him, but it may only be a $4k car, but what if its your only car and you get into an accident and its totalled. If you dont got a stack of cash in the bank, you suddenly found yourself without a car or the money to buy another one. If you are smart enough to put the money saved from not having collision to the side and save it for a rainy day its one thing, but the average person wont do that, so even though you pay more in the long wrong, having your ass covered incase something does suddenly happen, is worth it.


i’m kinda with him…in the sense that i believe if you can not afford to replace your car with what you have banked, you should have collision.

I kinda wanna say that i have a Z32 registered as NA too, and with full coverage, only pay $50 a month…but, i’m still on the family plan, so i dont think i can use that in my arguement…