Can an employer do this to me?

Jeez Jay,

I wish i took those software development classes when I was in school.

Not too late for me though, I might get into some .net books and php.

Steal your bosses account and go into business for yourself.You’ve mentioned where you work in other threads and I think it can be done,lol.

Interesting I was just reading up on this cause I was bored at work today…

  1. How many people work for your company?
  2. How many people are getting laid off?

Have you tried talking to a recruiter? Systems Personnel ( They placed two of my IT friends, one windows admin, one unix admin.

NY is an “employment at will” state which basically means you can quit or he can fire you at any time.
If you weren’t one of the people he laid-off he probably thinks you are pretty good at what you do and he values you.
BUT, only you know this guy and your history with him.
If he has shorted you in the past then he may try to take advantage of you again.
Like someone else said, this is a gut call.
I pay “unskilled” people more money with paid time off and benefits.:gotme:

Edit: One other thing, you pretty much have to shoot your boss to be denied unemployment in NY.:roll2:

unfortunately, business is business.

if i was in your situation… i would stick it out, collect the experience and pick up another job to augment the lost wages.

but as krazykarl said… do what your gut says.

:word: Employers will some crazy things when business is really bad, and/or the company is going under. A member of my family had problems like this a few years ago. Tons of overtime worked, and he never saw a dime. The owner had excuse after excuse, because the business was failing. She cancelled his health insurance without notifying him, which he found out when he went to the ER. He might have recieved a few hundred of his money a year later. Get it in writing.


I agree. tell your boss you want to opt for the unemployment instead. Then if I were you I would try and get an “under the table” job to make extra money for the holidays…why work 40+ hours a week making less than you would if you were on unemployment. you will still technically be working for that company so it shouldn’t hurt your resume. good luck

They can lower your wage legally.
Like I said before though, you have to shoot your boss to get denied unemployment.

Many years ago we had a “shared work” program through NYS.
Everyone worked 32 hours and they received unemployment for the remaining hours.
This way everyone got to keep their job.:slight_smile:
It worked out well.

they can legal lower your wage, but not more than 80% without offiering you the ability to turn it down

They can cut your paid, but they have to give it to you in writing ahead of time. Man im going through the legal process right now with my current job. They gave me a nice offer letter, but when i started working i got lowballed big time. Private company are shady like that. Your best bet is to get a job with the state or feds. None of these bullshit.

It is sad to read that.
Not all private companies are shady.

i thought that you can only collect unemployment is if u get laid off…

Like I said twice before you can almost always get unemployment in NYS.

I know, i trust private small companies over big organizations any day of the week

Im sorry. I meant some.

degree + no exp = $11/hr job

sorry to hear that justin… thats some shady shit right there. Talk about bad timing :tdown: