Can cops search your phone?

Are you a cop? If so you already have access to all that information, you don’t need me or my phone to get it. What exactly am I trying to hide? Especially in the incident that I get pulled over for speeding… I’m not stashing my weed under the seat or a gun in the glove box. The cop isn’t going to hand me a speeding ticket and as for my cell phone. Get a grip.

How is law enforcement acting out a search based on probable cause in violation to your civil rights? Are you opposed to roadblocks as well? The patriot act got a bad rep because it wasn’t exactly rolled out in the best way. Do I give a shit if the FBI/CIA/AAA hears what I’m talking about on the phone? Fuck no. What the hell are you people doing with your cell phones that you’re going to cry about it on the internet?

Unless you’re dating a 12yr old, you have nothing to worry about. Like I said, cops have access to this information if and when they need it anyway.

For those of you who have actually read the article, and read at a 5th grade level or higher, you’ll understand that the entire thing was written on an idea, that cops would be able to search the phone as if it were a “container”… not that it is a new law, or that it is an epidemic and you should immediately destroy your phone in case of pursuit. Its called probable cause… you give them a reason and they will know what the inside of your ass looks like.

Paranoid much?