can men and women be friends?

Well me and the girlfriend got into a conversation today. She is dead set on the idea that men and women cannot be friends without sexual tension. and they can only be friends if the guy is not attracted to the girl. Now i believe she’s wrong and crazy lol. I think men and women can be friends reguardless of attraction.

She’s a jealous bitch and doesn’t want you talking to other women


yes if: u are a gay guy or if: she is ugly

guys only befriend girls to get in their pants
to get in the friends of that girls pants.

well thats why the guy initially talks to the girl, but they can become friends afterwards, generally if the girl puts the said guy in the horrid “friend circle” which then gives 0% chance of vagina action or if the guy fails at getting in girls pants.
or if he finds out she has aids

yes, if you already fucked the girl

Friend status goes out the window and you pretend you never knew her. :lol:

You can be friends with a hot girl and have nothing happen…

The key is to just take advantage of the fact that she probably has hot friends. If she doesn’t well then it probably isn’t worth it.

yeah the whole aids thing kinda cancels out everything lol

90% of the time, no

I’m aquaintances with a lot of girls.

Not good friends with many, though.

Ladder Theory


I can be friends with a girl. But if she’s good looking, and the opportunity presents itself, I won’t throw her off me.

I’ve never called a girl my friend.

They are either: i’ve fucked them, or I will fuck them, or i talk to them on AIM

They are either: i’ve fucked them, or I will fuck them, or i don’t talk to them


Why talk to a girl you don’t wanna bang?

Theres the answer to this whole thread right there HaHa

Other than sex, and maybe acceptance, I really see no way a girl can ever provide a better relationship to you than a guy can (no homo).

Is there a reason no girls have hobbies these days… I find all chicks are interested in, is shitty TV shows, and talking about their relationships to others (gossip mostly). This is an obvious statement but this is also the reason why I will never be able to be friends with girls. I have a few friends who are girls but never would I value those friendships anywhere near where I would put my top guy friends (no homo). I just cant talk about other people all day… Girls just have no substance!

On the other hand talking about the horrible investment of a spec Miata makes for a great time killer.

Wait, does you driving a Miata make you a girl…

Lmao… Yeah who had the last laugh in that argument… this guy! But see… I rather debate shit with SUBSTANCE such as cars, sports, movies maybe ect… Girls are just so ok with everything in the most basic form and if you ever try taking a conversation deeper they just loose interest.

They cant even argue anything like ^^that night (unless it involves feelings).
Im not saying girls have to like cars or sports and all that… But they just dont like anything. They are just an entirely different species to me lol!

And yes… I did have my penis offed with the purchase of the Miata… its the only way my legs fit so close together in that racing seat.

Since you had your penis offed, give me the numbers to the girls you use to talk too.