Can someone maybe translate this?

I think it might be some kinda asian writing i dunno japanese or chinese something. Long story short CPD was called in. We found something that shouldnt be in the house hiding again. There was one origally in 05’ and now in 09 suprise another one. We know from town record the house was abandoned and condemed for a while but then purchased and re-vamped. Well here are 2 pics, sorry for quality but maybe someone could clue me in on what it says.

That doesn’t look like oriental text to me, i’m thinking more middle eastern.

I’ll have someone who speaks/reads Japanese look at it tomorrow at work.

Id still kinda like to know, Im not sure what it is. Based on tonights events i really want to know now. I found this like a year ago

thats definitely not japanese

Looks like Arabic. Not a very high quality picture (not that I can read Arabic).

get a better pic, I know someone who could translate

i work with someone who knows arabic and chinese, but i kinda want to keep work and home life sepeate with this situation. Ill get a better pic and repost

"Long story short CPD was / we over found something that shouldnt be in the house hiding again. "

that confuses me… explain?

yeah is the general public missing something?

cheektowaga… or lackawanna?

looks arabic.

I took it as

But I honestly have no idea



OK when we first moved in on 05’ landlord found a sawed off shotty sitting on a half broken ceiling tile in the basement. I knew it wasnt mine and nobody in the house owned up to it. So we called them they came an took it. Well cut to 4 years later and i was doin some cleaning down in the basement in my area and i bumped the duct and suprise a handgun. It was rusted to shit, no clip but maybe one in the chamber. Vs fucking with it we called the cops. They came and took it. The paper comes into this because when were cleaning a while ago down there we found this, havent thought much of it til now, I have no clue what it says or anything. And yes im in cheektowaga. Not lackawanna. They checked ontop of all the ducts an everything. I honestly can say they were very good in checking the whole basement out, they kinda thought well 2 maybe there is 3. But I do give a huge thumbs up to the CPD for responding kinda quick and being very polite.

That clears up the story but man you need to proof read things before you post, even your last post has a bunch of errors making it hard to read.

I realized that , edited most of it. Sorry grammar nazi’s, Its late and im kinda tired

wow thats crazy.

LOL, IT WAS JUST VERY HARD TO UNDERSTAND WHat the hell you were trying to say,

Im just waiting to see what I find next. Maybe some stanky stanky or something. Who knows, tomorrow nite im goin on a little full out treasure hunt in the house, top to bottom.

i say move out! dont wanna be mistaken as a terriorist