can someone please tell me

what in the fuck this is?

whatever it is, it looks like it would fuck your day up :ugh:

haha…stick ur hand in and see if it stings :kekegay:

i’d rather not, if thats a stinger then its like 3 inches long :eek4:

Its probably the longest thing you have had in you hand for a while.

i knew someone was going to say something :rolleyes:

but seriously, does anyone know what the hell this thing is?

i’ll put it on ebay :kekegay:

we had one at work at cuddy… nobody believed us, the “stinger” thing on ours was like 5 inches long… fuckin freaky

put yourself on ebay… Buy it Now $.50

a deleted thread?

I saw one of those before. The one I saw had a stinger that looked like a tooth pick. We killed it somehow that it was semi intact and my buddy pulled out the stinger… they go like 3/4 of the way in their body too. Freaky.

I hope I don’t ever see one of those… :scared:

You have Giant Ichneumon(Megahyssa), more than likely the northen subspecies known as Lunar Giant Ichneumon. It is female due to that large ovipositor, that resembles a stinger; males do not have this. That organ is used to place eggs inside of beetles that live in tress, were the lavra eat the beetles from the inside out untill they are ready to emerge. Adults do not eat at all their life consist of one goal sex, basically they have sex, lie eggs then die, never eating. Ironically since that was female it can not sting you(but can still bite you). The insect pictured is very close related to the wasp familiy and is the largest of it kind in North America.

Anyways you all now know i know way to much, glad my brain could be of service.

that’s what i was gonna say, but i didn’t feel like typing it out :ugh:

are the male’s poisoness?


The males can sting so in that sense they have poisionous but barring a alergic reaction it would be no worse or better than sting from another wasp.

Josh who actually knows more about cars that Giant flying insects.

zing! Slowbowtie +1 : slowShelby -1