hey i know its a small thing to even bother photoshopping but im curious to see what this would look like with out the Signaler on the fender if somone could do that for me that would be sick …
o and what u guys think about the side exhausts? u think somone might get harassed with those in toronto?

The rims are nice…fronts are fucked and gay with low profile…dam…lmao!
I’m not feeling the side exhausts at all, I prefer the stock dual horizontally placed tips in the back or the diagonally mounted aftermarket ones instead for a more clean look, and rather some fender flares instead of roll…but that’s cuz I love the legendary “DEVIL Z” …wangan baby! 
Only spent a couple minutes on this because I figure this should be enough to give you an idea.
LOVING the pipes!!! Leave the side marker.
Fix front rim to tire ratio as well
yea i have the same car im contemplating the sidepipes and getting rid of the sidemarkers