Can you Haggle with people at Bestbuy?

well from what I hear the best way to get something like this done is to get the best price you can…Then throw in that you want to purchase an extended warranty.

See those things are all profit for BB and look amazing for the salesman since he sold a high ticket warranty, and got extra $$$ towards his commission. Then as you make your way to the counter with your ticket written up for an awesome price (including the warranty) Just tell the cashier you no longer want the warranty…or you can come back the next day and “return” the warranty.

Either way you get some cheddar knocked off the price once you take the warranty off.

Put TV in cart, throw coat over, walk out store.

May involve running and highly trained attack dogs, but could be a free TV?

^Cmon, homie I would have done that buy now.

title still comes up as ‘barter’

which is why i clicked on this dumb shit which Joe already answered

/thread. seriously, threads concerning money, take a very good portion of his advice.

no you can not haggle at best buy. best buy matches competitor pricing. best buy does not offer another 10% off on top of that. they might cut you a deal on the installation of the television, but you can’t just walk into best buy and expect 10% off because you think you are spending a lot of money.

costco has excellent deals on plasma and LCD tv’s.

The price they quote on the web includes shipping to your house.

They are very cheap, i’m going to buy from them.

Bestbuy is such a ripoff it isn’t even funny.


no you can not haggle at best buy. best buy matches competitor pricing. best buy does not offer another 10% off on top of that. they might cut you a deal on the installation of the television, but you can’t just walk into best buy and expect 10% off because you think you are spending a lot of money.


Thats all I wanted to know. Thanks everyone.

Wait, how about Circut city???


Yeah but its going on my bb card.


oh, so you’re buying a $2000 Tv you can’t afford? sweet, good plan, better try and save every nickel and dime


oh, so you’re buying a $2000 Tv you can’t afford? sweet, good plan, better try and save every nickel and dime


especially wthos companys have such high interest rates


costco has excellent deals on plasma and LCD tv’s.

The price they quote on the web includes shipping to your house.

They are very cheap, i’m going to buy from them.

Bestbuy is such a ripoff it isn’t even funny.



great deal,good reviews on it too.


oh, so you’re buying a $2000 Tv you can’t afford? sweet, good plan, better try and save every nickel and dime


I can afford it ass. I would rather put the money into bettering my new house.


especially wthos companys have such high interest rates


They have three years no interest. I just bought a house and I have my money tied up in other things.



great deal,good reviews on it too.


Thats pretty dam cheap.


and they have a 0% visa



do it

This wall screams for a plasma. I already have a 32" LCD and a 47" rear projection, but they dont fit on that wall so I need a new one.

Putting a TV there FTMFL

What would you rather put there a picture of elvis???

I am building a new mantle and its gonna sit on there. I dont wanna fuck up the wall so I wont be putting it on the wall.

you dont actually use the fireplace right?


you dont actually use the fireplace right?


No, its not used.


Thats all I wanted to know. Thanks everyone.

Wait, how about Circut city???


Same deal they dont haggle or fanaggle for deals,

Smooth talkin a deal really wont work since in the end we have to be held accountable for what transpires, worst case scenario , you converse with said employee, then become irate at some point and ask for the manager, manager will come over an you tell him that , person X said i can sell you this for $'YYYY, threatin to take your busniess elsewhere and most of the time on large ticket items they wont let you walk over a 10% deal as they want the money to be instore and most mark up is about 15%-30% usually, the key is to just attempt to make it seem like you are putting words in their mouth. (Past expirence of mine as well) . Dont expect to get the best reception after that thou if you have problems, so odds are if you want to do that dont do it at a place youd like to shop at and still get service if there is a problem

when i was down in miami they were offering me deals like 20% off without even trying… so i know its possible. i think the girl was a department mgr though