Can you out run the cops?

lets send 91 teg b16a1 out on a street bike or his car and see if he gets caught doing 120 past a cop :rofl :banana

I’m curious to know how many cops lurk on these forums.

i have always wondered that with all the forums that are local :wierd
and how many register to view things non users can’t see

oh yea, well my dad will beat up your dad! :tong

ha that could suck

IT really dosnt matter if there on here cause were just talking about it…not doing anything stupid to prove point

i thought the same thing the police can sit here and read all this then they will know what cars to wach for . i no longer street race i race at the tracks . the hot roders have secret web sites about there racing but they are hard to find and even harder to get in to even if you hang with them guys.

I know of atleast one who reads it, so I would be careful on what you post. You never know who’s reading it.

Im not even talking about on a car…i said i would on a bike if the situation was right

you sir are a complete idiot


I’m trying to get two Albany Sheriffs to sign up, they are very laid back though.

laid back until they pull us over :shifty

Okay, wheel man, we’ll be reading about you in the paper

peanut butter jelly time :banana

He’ll be in Iraq he’s part of our armed forces so he’s risking his life in other ways more worth it as well as being stupid

Thanks joe…but still i think this toppic was done like 3 pages ago

GWB will take anyone these days eh?

dude seriously, what is that supposed to mean?

Are you assuming that other people havn’t risked their lives? does that give him a free dipshit pass to completely forgo the laws and rules?

and do you think that you idiots would only be endangering yourselves by outrunning the cops because your “on a bike”. Ever seen a bike hit something at high speeds?

by all means, I cannot wait for the news bloodbath after some dumbass tries to outrun the cops and causes the death of somebody else. oh yea, wait, that would never happen, because it would be on a deserted road right?


you can :deadhorse all you want… fact of the matter is… its fucking stupid. :asshole

I never said it was smart…but faced with jail time and loosing your license(if you were goin that fast) i would try to get away rather than go to jail for having fun…As for being in the military…idt i get a pass to be stupid…joe brought it up in the first place

i NEVER said it was a pass to be a fucktard…

im not one of the people saying i would run from the cops…even if i was going that fast for whatever reason id stop and pay the consequence

so what if you can or cant get away from the cops