sounds like you picked up a real “garage queen” benny. not meaning a really nice car you’d keep in the garage, a car that needs to go to the garage, as in “repair shop,” or better yet, just kill it one day for fun. :mwahaha :crackup
I kicked my rear ones, by accident and they fell aprt all the way up to the drivers side
What i did was put that insulating foam thats sold in home depot, put that in covered with tape so its flat with the body waited a day then took off tape and put bondo over it, then painted it… as 91 teg, my whiole rear end was pink for like 2 weeks… i miss that car, its the car i learned how to do bodywork on.
lol i had the base model XE i bought for 300. i wishi kept it for this winter, or the neon i had for winter… ga16de is too slow when under a auto tranny, I GOT BEAT BY A GEO METRO!!!